Sunday, 31 January 2016



Use of vaginal suppositories is very simple. Taking care of simple steps we can effectively use vaginal suppositories.

A. Suppositories should be inserted as deep as possible in to vagina, preferably on retiring to bed for 3 consecutive nights or as advised by doctor.   It is best to use these products just before your bedtime. Lying down will reduce leakage of the medication from your vagina that could possibly occur while standing or walking around.

B. Cleaning of the vaginal area, wash your vaginal area with a mild soapy water and dry thoroughly recommend v wash. If the product comes as a pre-filled applicator, skip to step E.

C. For vaginal cream products: Attach the applicator to the opening of the tube of cream and twist until firmly attached. Squeeze the cream from the tube into the applicator until it reaches the level indicated for your dose. Twist and remove the applicator from the tube.

D. For tablets or suppositories: Remove the medication from the wrapper and place it into the end of the applicator.

E. Gently insert the applicator into your vagina while you position your body in one of the two ways. Insert the applicator only as far as it will comfortably go. You can stand with your feet apart and your knees bent. Some suppositories can be seen without applicators  need to insert direct in lying down position  this can be achieved best when lying on the back with legs pulled in a little towards the body.

 F.Or lie on your back with your knees bent and legs slightly apart.

G. Push the plunger of the applicator until it stops. Remove the applicator from the vagina.

H. If the applicator is reusable, clean it as directed by the manufacturer. This usually involves pulling the two pieces apart and washing them with a mild soap and water. Discard the applicator if it is disposable.

I.after completion of this wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.

Continue to use the medication for as long as directed by your doctor or on the product labeling. Use the product without skipping.

Warning and precautions: for vaginal use only not to be taken orally.
The patient should be instructed not to engage in vaginal intercourse or use the vaginal products such as tampons or douches during treatment.

Storage: store in cool and dry places, protect from light keep out of the reach of children.

Vaginal suppositories

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Physiotherapy jobs in space

Physiotherapy jobs in space.

What does all this mean in terms of opportunities for physios?

If private space ventures such as Virgin Galactic become popular, says Huw, there may be potential for physiotherapists to be involved in the preparation and treatment of space tourists.

The first hundred passengers scheduled to fly range from 18 to 88 years of age. Those who are less active or fit may well benefit from pre- or post-flight physiotherapy.

‘Virgin Galactic flights are only going to be in microgravity for three minutes, so people won’t experience any physiological challenges,’ says Huw. However, they will feel the weight effects of acceleration, or G-force.

‘There are huge G-forces on the way up and way down,’ he says. ‘Up to 4G on the way up and 5G on the way down – and for a normal person, that’s a lot of pressure on the body.’

Agencies such as ESA may require more physiotherapists as space travel advances, says Dr Damann.

‘The missions will become longer and we will hopefully explore the moon, Mars and beyond,’ he says.

‘There are also plans to build hotels in space, which we may see in a couple of years. As you’d expect at any good four- or five-star hotel, physiotherapists may be present. If that industry really kicks off, there may be lots of opportunities.’

In the meantime, space research may provide valuable insights that can be used to treat various conditions and applied to the care of older and bedridden people.

Additionally, the dramatic changes that occur in space serve as a radical reminder of how essential exercise and regular activity are for the body.

‘Our biology is built in such way that if we use something it increases,’ says Dr Damann. ‘And equally if we don’t use something it decreases.’

Huw Scott agrees and points out that, although space is an extreme environment, it demonstrates how rapidly the body can adapt in response to our lifestyles. 

‘So many of us sit at desks for eight hours a day,’ says Huw. ‘And then we wonder why people get bad backs and muscle imbalances.’ fl

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Stress management in physiotherapy

Dear friends,
Every saturday and sunday i always try to post somthing helpful for physiotherapist. As per my routine i am writing this post, today I decided to write on stress management today hope it will help me and you. Please don't forgot to read case study at end of the article.

Stress management
Stress management- physiotherapy
Stress and its management in the community is a growing issue for many health practitioners.

Physiotherapists offer a number of stress management techniques and treatments which can help to improve a patient's health and well-being, whether it be specially designed stress management programs, exercise programs, massage, muscle relaxation or general fitness advice.

Role of physiotherapy 

Physiotherapists use an initial assessment to clarify the nature of the problem and develop strategies and treatment which are acceptable to the individual.

Treatment can take the form of individual consultation, group relaxation classes, relaxation audio tapes or information sessions for the general public. As part of the treatment program, physiotherapists offer close professional follow up with the patient to ensure a positive treatment outcome.

Physiotherapists with a special interest in stress management can offer many different types of relaxation therapy including guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation, breathing techniques, thought stopping, stretching, massage and general fitness advice.

Benefits of physiotherapy

Research continues to indicate a positive correlation between a person's ability to cope with stressors and the likelihood of disease during their lifetime.
 Physiotherapy can assist by:

Reducing muscle tension: therapeutic exercises, massage and stretching can help to reduce the muscles. Our body is a psychosomatic system so above given things help a lot in removing stress from body and mind both.

Increasing vitality and decreasing reported tiredness: regularly going for walk and general body exercises breathing exercises help a lot in increasing vitality and decrease your tiredness.

Improving concentration span: Breathing and balancing exercises along with some yogic postures like dhyana mudra can improve your chances of enhanced concentration.

Improving feeling of general well-being: strength and endurance training improve feeling of  general feeling of well being. So indulging in this programme may help to reduce the stress.

Decreasing blood pressure: low salt food, avoid fried food, and general relaxations exercises and breathing exercises help to improve a lot. Left nostril intake breathing have proved evidences to lower your blood pressure.

Reducing risk of cardiovascular disease: cardio exercise reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases in improve our cardiovascular health.

Improving attitude to work and leisure activity: work life balance, counselling may help to maintain the stress under control.

Reducing pain states such as headache, chronic pain syndromes and work related anxiety through physiotherapy is possible and lot of people are getting benefits in stress management.
Physiotherapy help in all spheres of life so it also help in possibly decreasing dosage of psycho-active medication.

Questions and queries are most welcome.

Case study:
Dr.Amol Pampatwar 2011 batch Gmch Aurangabad ms Obgy died due to massive ami today at 9.20 am while travelling from miraj to Kolhapur .
He was very soft spoken person n.married a year ago .
Pm showed lad infarct with multiple plaques in coronaries.neglected chest pain for two days....
May his soul rest in peace..... Recently we are hearing news about many young doctors facing morbidity/mortality due to life style diseases like MI etc.
Here are views, though from very short experience:

Doctors are the one who neglect health and healthy lifestyle the most.
Few things that I found helpful are:
1. Practice is a continuous process... You are there in hospital for patients and not vice a versa. So dont get bothered much by fluctuations in practice.

2. Patients need you more than, you need them..
So set your limits. Stop OPD on time. Avoid patients who want to take ur leasure time (few patients feel pride in visiting u on sundays or off ur opd time).

3. 'Put your eggs in different baskets' is a good saying, but dont put them in too many baskets that you are worried about missing few. So dont keep so many attachments to hospitals.  Every new attachment demands time plus travel. Stressing us further.

4. Most important, Set your own targets ..  not the targets that ur colleague/competator has set. He may be  earning much more .. but he might be paying the cost in some other ways (family.. hobbies.. friends etc).

5. When in doubt about health  dont be your own doctor.

6. Give time to family and friends, in hour of trouble they are the one who will be with you in hospital and not ur bosses or professional colleagues. ..

7. "Happiness lies in satisfaction". If we are not satisfied, we will not be happy even if we earn highest in world.
8. Best time to be happy is now, best moment to be happy is present moment. Learn to enjoy the whole  journey, dont wait to be happy till u reach the destination!!

Forwarded as recd on WhatsApp.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016




Dear IAP Members and Students,
 I am pleased to invite you all for the 54th annual conference of Indian Association of Physiotherapist to be organized at Shirdi – A town in Indian state of Maharashtra; The land blessed by the residence of Shree Sai Baba.

 The Global event is to be held on 19th, 20th and 21st in the month of February 2016 and it would be glad to see everyone's presence on the occasion.

 In the Health Care Delivery system, the PHYSIOTHERAPIST are the professionals who treat the individuals of all ages from the newborn to the oldest, with medical conditions or other health related problems that limit the ability to move and perform functional activities in their daily life that occur due to disease, pain or disability Physiotherapy is branch of modern Medical Sciences and physiotherapeutic system of medicine which includes examination, treatment, advice and instructions to any person with movement dysfunction, bodily malfunction, physical disorder, disability and pain from trauma and disease, physical and mental conditions. Hence, it is most important for every physiotherapist to keep his her knowledge upgraded about all professional aspects; the latest research and legal issues The 54th annual IAP conference is the platform for all Physiotherapy professionals to unite for professional and professional upliftment with sharing of knowledge from various speakers with varied experience.

 With the theme of the conference “Let’s Unite: Health is Wealth, Fitness First”; the conference heads towards being the platform to research the new Vista of our noble Physiotherapy professional and achieve the range of vision and knowledge to heal with skillful expertise adroitness while growing as a successful physiotherapist.

 Let us all Heal, Unite and inspire together for the personal and professional growth with the new aurors for our noble profession and reach the triumph of victory by achieving our goal of Independent Physiotherapy Council by physiotherapist in India The unity and hard work of all Indian Physiotherapist and IAP team hand in hand will soon give a constructive reverberation with formation of Independent Physiotherapy Council.

Shirdi Sai Baba; The Spiritual master, The Saint, The Satguru; The one who taught the moral code of love, Forgiveness, Helping others, Charity, Contentment, Inner peace and Devotion to God; will Escort us together our goal and ambition to achieve The Central Independent Physiotherapy council in India The 54th Annual Conference of The Indian Association of Physiotherapist will provide a platform to the Researchers, Clinicians, academicians and all Physiotherapy students to know and learn more about our noble profession in deeper depth. The conference scientific Sessions, Exhibitions, Poster presentation and lectures by expertise personals will enhance our knowledge and help us enrich skills to learn and to treat. Hence, enroll yourself towards your personal growth and professional upliftment by registering yourself for conference The IAP team together with the organizing committee of the conference ensures your worthwhile, rewarding time as Shirdi
 Dr. Ketan Bhatikar(PT) Organizing Chairman; 54th Annual IAP Conference 2016 General Secretary; IAP(2014-17)

Care business is the best business!

How to make your clinic brand famous in your area "What is seen is sold". Always make this thing clear in mind. People...
Posted by DrVijay Guleria on Sunday, 3 January 2016


Sunday, 3 January 2016

How to make your clinic brand famous

How to make your clinic brand famous in your area

 "What is seen is sold". Always make this thing clear in mind. People are in rat race for brands. Now a day average quality products can beat the best product on the bases of product management strategies.
Your clinic your brand

We are leaving in an advertisements driven world. Our commercial activities are largely influenced by advertisements. Advertisements lead to branding of their product.
Even if you are doing best in the industry still you need advertisements to make your clinic in race. Continuously Visibility in public is very important. If you want to established your clinic and want to become famous in your area you have to take necessary steps.
Do not let any stone unturned to make your clinic visible. To make your clinic visible and famous follow these simple steps: 

Presentable reception: 

Most of the clinicians do not take their reception area very seriously. Reception is the face of your clinic; it is the first impression of your clinic. Always remember that first impression is the last impression.  Hire a smart, intelligent and presentable receptionist.
Your reception area should be neat and clean. It should be well illuminated and comfortable for patient as it is also serving as waiting room for your clients. Digital display and TV can be placed in your reception area. You can play advertisements and recordings of your domain speciality.


Doctor plays a role in clinic what heart play in body. Doctor should be knowledgeable and expert in his domain. Doctor should present himself confident enough to assure the patients who are suffering that they will cure at this facility. Presentable doctor make difference most of the doctor take care of this thing but still number of physicians and therapists don’t take this seriously.
Personal hygiene of doctors matter a lot. Proper grooming of hair nails and body odour should take in to account. In the word of consumerism service provider always remains the item of criticisms so doctor should be most careful.
Most of ethical standards says that doctor should not use any body scents or perfumes but I am not completely agree with this, a light deodorant or perfumes should be allowed to doctors also.

Doctor’s chamber:
it is also an important thing in a clinic. It should be well decorated illuminated and comfortable.
 Bookshelves always make an impression that doctor is a dignity and to sit on doctor chair he worked hard and read lot of books attained all knowledge to treat the patient. Always install your degree framed near to the book shelf. Bookshelves should be clean giving impression that they are in use by doctor to update her shelf.

Sign board of your clinic: 
Always take help of a professional to design your signboards and logos for your clinic. Signboards should clearly display your name, degrees and speciality. It should not be very fancy but also not a simple one.

Prescription pads bills and stickers:

all of these should have necessarily display your logo. These can also make with the help of a printing professional. e.g of a logo

Advertisements through a cable network of your area: 
Digital displays always make an impact on your branding. When people see your advertisements in TV with your details they come to know about you and your clinic. They will know about the facilities in your clinic, in their area. This will make your clinic famous. Adding to this you can also run your add campaigns in local theaters also, if your budget allows.

Internet impression: 
register your presence in the world of internet. Your clinic should have a website. This website clearly display about your clinic and services provided. Online appointments software can be embedded in the website.

Cheap and best websites hosting services are available now a day.
Free website can also be made by taking a small effort on platform like yolasite e.g. and

make a blog of your clinic and doctor working in clinic; their views and opinions can be displayed like e.g. and
Register your clinics in social platforms like twitter, Facebook, reedit and goggle plus etc.
Advertisements in job portals, if there is requirements of a staff will also add to it.

Advertise in local newspaper: 
Newspaper are the perfect medium, they have close reach to the community. Advertisement in local newspaper can help you a lot in order to make your clinic famous.

Bills and stickers in your community: 
hand bills stickers with logo should regularly be circulated through newspapers in your localities.
All program and celebrations with offers to patients should be circulated with bills in newspaper of locality.
Special discounts and offer to local area patient at regular intervals are also a good idea to increase the foot fall.
So start following these simple steps to make your clinic more visible in your localities.
Wishing you a very happy and prosperous new year!

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