Saturday, 7 May 2016

This is the most common trend in Indian patients

This is the most common trend of Indian patients

People of India ignore their ailments irrespective of their social status, they never turnup for primary care providers.
One of my friend always use to say that everyone in this country is a doctor. Every house has a doctor people try to cure themselves by their self-styled remedies till the bad become worse.
Top ignored diseases by patients which they believe will cured by itself:
1. Back pain
2. Headache
3. Skin diseases
4. Neck pain
5. Frozen shoulder
6. Mental illnesses

People of India ignore backaches they feels it will cure itself, they never try to find the real cause. Sometime discogenic and spinal origin back pains become serious due to negligence of patients. Such negligences could leads to surgical procedures which can be easily avoided by preventive medicine physiotherapy.
Never wait your problem to become irreparable.

In India, a common trend among patients is to overlook their health issues, regardless of their social status. Many individuals refrain from seeking primary care providers and opt to self-medicate instead. It's a sentiment echoed by many, with the belief that every household has its own "doctor," leading people to attempt to cure themselves with homemade remedies until the condition worsens.

The most frequently ignored ailments by Indian patients include:

Back Pain: Often dismissed in the hope that it will resolve on its own, back pain is a prevalent yet overlooked condition. Neglecting discogenic and spinal-origin back pains can result in serious consequences, potentially leading to surgical interventions that could have been prevented through early intervention such as preventive medicine and physiotherapy.

Headaches: Another commonly disregarded health issue, headaches are often endured without seeking proper medical attention, despite the possibility of underlying causes that may require treatment.

Skin Diseases: Skin ailments are frequently downplayed, with individuals relying on home remedies or ignoring symptoms altogether, unaware of potential complications that may arise from untreated conditions.

Neck Pain: Similar to back pain, neck pain is often dismissed as temporary discomfort without addressing the underlying causes, which could lead to more severe complications if left untreated.

Frozen Shoulder: This condition, characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint, is often underestimated in severity, leading individuals to delay seeking professional medical advice until the condition becomes debilitating.

Mental Illnesses: Mental health issues are highly stigmatized in Indian society, leading many individuals to avoid seeking help or acknowledging their symptoms, which can exacerbate the condition over time.

It's crucial for individuals to recognize the importance of early intervention and seek professional medical advice when experiencing any health concerns. Neglecting minor ailments can lead to significant consequences, including the need for invasive treatments that could have been avoided with timely medical attention. Prioritizing preventive healthcare measures and consulting healthcare professionals can help prevent minor issues from escalating into serious health complications.

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