Monday, 16 May 2016

Are physiotherapy diploma courses going to stop in India

Are physiotherapy diploma courses going to stop in India
Physiotherapists of India are contributing their level best to healthcare system. Physiotherapists are fighting with mobility disorders and disabilities, strengthening the society.

Their role in pre oprative and post oprative procedures is very crucial. Other fields like sports and community based rehabilitation physiotherapists are playing crucial roles.
Our field is expanding upto the sky and space.
Physiotherapists of India are in big demand in foreign countries like Canada, USA and UK. In this way they are strengthening Indian economy also.
For these above-mentioned roles quality of our physiotherapy doctors matters a lot, so is our physiotherapy education. To become a good physiotherapy doctor you have to study every detail of human body along with mechanics and mechanism of the body.
Pathology, surgery,biochemistry, pharmacology, orthopaedics, cardiology, obs-gynecology, Opthalmology, biomechanics, kinesiology, exercise therapy,  elctrotherapy, psychology, psychiatrics, chest medicines, biostatistics and medicine plus many more aubjectsare there which need hard-working educational qualification minimum of 4.1/2 years BPT.
It is very disheartening to know that in country like our we have six months, 1year,and 2 year courses for PHYSIOTHERAPISTS.

In some institutions of repute still diploma holder physiotherapists are working and they are not updated on knowledge and skills required for qualified PHYSIOTHERAPIST.
Governments of some states are still deploy minimum qualification for Physiotherapy post as diploma,while we have a big force of qualified PHYSIOTHERAPISTS in India who are having qualifications of BPT, MPT.
Should we as a qualified PHYSIOTHERAPISTS boycott from such recruitments or not?
Awareness among the patients is also necessary so they can know the difference between diploma and degree holder physiotherapy.
Should diploma holder physiotherapists allowed to run physiotherapy clinic?
Universities should strart Bridge courses for  diploma holders to become degree holders.

If you have any suggestions please feel free to text below in comment box.

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

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