Wednesday, 26 October 2016

11 things you must have done during BPT in physical therapy schooling

11 things you must have done during  BPT 

1st year: 

Fresher's party:

Everyone at physiotherapy college enjoys their fresher party. Memories of fresher party always cherished in our heart, they take us back to the lovely moments of college life. Everyone remembers those funny titles which our seniors awards to us in fresher party.

Photo in Apron and Name plate on chest:

It is very good experience to everyone to get in to the Physiotherapy college after the schooling. We all feel proud and feels like a doctor at that time.We all keep  framed that special photo. I think all must have that special photo with them.

Roaming around  outside the college campus with apron on:

We all use to show off our apron and steth in neck while visiting to the tuck shops near the college. Even though at that time we are not able to listen and make out results from steth sound.

2nd year:

Knee jerk:

We all use to play with our knee hammer in the class and also at hostel. I left with no one in my class whose knee jerk is not checked by me.

 Tease the model and Subjects:

 The guys who were always ready to become the subjects for muscle stimulation in electro-therapy class, surface marking in anatomy class use to be most flirtatious. We use to tease them by increasing the current intensities during the practical classes.

Try hard to become Exercise therapy model:

 Who want to leave the chance to rest on class couch while other perform passive exercises and stretching on you.

3rd Year:

Roam around the hospital and wards for new learning and having the feel of a doctor.

Conferences and college tour:

These are the events what we use to wait eagerly. Conference visits and college tours are always exciting and fun filled.

Workshops and seminar:

Some of the senior physios in our field use to conduct conferences and workshops for students.
Most of use  got trapped for these kind of cheap workshops and seminars.

Bunk Classes

Bunk the Bio stats, pedagogy, psychology, psychiatry and Surgery classes.

4th Year:

Hostel life:
Most of us have enjoyed that life even if we are non hostler we use to stay at hostel and enjoy the life.

Expulsion from library is a very common phenomenon of college life.

We can't keep quite in library as we are seniors now.

Farewell party: 

Farewell party is also a event of our college life which we can't forget through out life. This event is filled with the agony of leaving the friends, college and happiness of entering in to the practice.

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