Monday, 2 May 2016

Satyagraha for council (struggling physios of India)

Dandi March by physiotherapists

It doesn't matter how many resources you have, if you don't know how to use them, it will never be enough.
A news of satyagraha by physiotherapists in India is a positivity for the profession. We have a large number of physiotherapists in India but they are not united and guided in one direction.
According to me reasons are
1. lack of leadership at national level,
2. Lack of strong governing body at state or national level.
Try to compare physiotherapy association with Indian medical association, you will find the reason where we stand.
We stand no where.
What we are doing for profession is nothing in comparison to nurshing council.
Even paramedical associations are much much stronger than our associations.
What will be the results of this satyagraha I am little confused but still hoping for the best.
My best wishes with friends who are organising this event.
Resource planning is very important to achieve something so planning should be strong enough.
Every single small efforts are equally important so let's united to achieve our goal.

Message by Dr umashankar Mohanty:

Dear Physiotherapy Colleagues and Physiotherapy Students,

Come and join the Massive Satyagraha to Establish Central Physiotherapy Council at Dandi on 19th June,2016. Your participation and presence is extremely important for profession. I am sure our sincere, selfless efforts for professional cause will create a great impulse and momentum with the Central Government. Come and be the part of Historic National Physiotherapy movement at Dandi on June 19th,2016.

Herewith share with you a great thought of Father of Nation Gandhiji

There is force in the universe, which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results.- Mahatma Gandhi

Herewith sharing with you our efforts to create mass awareness about our requirement. Your one day is extremely important for the profession. Do treat it as a personal appeal, request and invitation.Kindly share in facebook, Whatsapp and create invitation from your side too for Physiotherapy fraternity. Take the link and share with all Physiotherapists. 

— By FPJ Bureau | May 21, 2016 12:43 am 
Indore :  Physiotherapists across the country would hold a ‘satyagraha’ at Dandi in Gujarat on June 19 to push for their one-point demand of establishing Central Physiotherapy Council.

“For past many years, we have been demanding from the Central government to setup CPC but to no avail. Now, we have decided to hold a massive satyagraha at Dandi to press for our demand,” Indian Association of Physiotherapists president Dr Umasankar Mohanty told reporters here on Friday.

Mohanty was in city to mobilise physiotherapists of the city to participate in the proposed satyagraha.

He said that the council, if established, would create better healthcare delivery services for people of India.

RD Medical College’s physiotherapy department head Dr Sanjiv K Jha, who accompanied Mohanty, said that the council is required for establishing proper standard of physiotherapy profession, practice and education and to regularise the system of registration, recognition, standard, quality of education in the physiotherapy.

To hold satyagraha at Dandi on June 19 to press for their one-point demand
He further said that the council would also check the unprofessional practice/quackery in physiotherapy by untrained professional and give physiotherapy its due professional status.

WHO Physiotherapists are defied as independent healthcare professionals to assess, plan and treat but in India no council like Medical Council of India has been established as yet.

Treasurer of the association Dr Anand Mishra said that it was unfortunate that the Central government did not constitute Central Physiotherapy Council despite the fact that it would be beneficial for society at large.

“As the role of the physiotherapist is preeminent in society and many colleges and universities running physiotherapy courses in the country, establishment of Central Physiotherapy Council is definitely important and need of the hour,” Mishra said.

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