Wednesday, 26 October 2016

11 things you must have done during BPT in physical therapy schooling

11 things you must have done during  BPT 

1st year: 

Fresher's party:

Everyone at physiotherapy college enjoys their fresher party. Memories of fresher party always cherished in our heart, they take us back to the lovely moments of college life. Everyone remembers those funny titles which our seniors awards to us in fresher party.

Photo in Apron and Name plate on chest:

It is very good experience to everyone to get in to the Physiotherapy college after the schooling. We all feel proud and feels like a doctor at that time.We all keep  framed that special photo. I think all must have that special photo with them.

Roaming around  outside the college campus with apron on:

We all use to show off our apron and steth in neck while visiting to the tuck shops near the college. Even though at that time we are not able to listen and make out results from steth sound.

2nd year:

Knee jerk:

We all use to play with our knee hammer in the class and also at hostel. I left with no one in my class whose knee jerk is not checked by me.

 Tease the model and Subjects:

 The guys who were always ready to become the subjects for muscle stimulation in electro-therapy class, surface marking in anatomy class use to be most flirtatious. We use to tease them by increasing the current intensities during the practical classes.

Try hard to become Exercise therapy model:

 Who want to leave the chance to rest on class couch while other perform passive exercises and stretching on you.

3rd Year:

Roam around the hospital and wards for new learning and having the feel of a doctor.

Conferences and college tour:

These are the events what we use to wait eagerly. Conference visits and college tours are always exciting and fun filled.

Workshops and seminar:

Some of the senior physios in our field use to conduct conferences and workshops for students.
Most of use  got trapped for these kind of cheap workshops and seminars.

Bunk Classes

Bunk the Bio stats, pedagogy, psychology, psychiatry and Surgery classes.

4th Year:

Hostel life:
Most of us have enjoyed that life even if we are non hostler we use to stay at hostel and enjoy the life.

Expulsion from library is a very common phenomenon of college life.

We can't keep quite in library as we are seniors now.

Farewell party: 

Farewell party is also a event of our college life which we can't forget through out life. This event is filled with the agony of leaving the friends, college and happiness of entering in to the practice.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Cord blood banking: a different aspect for safer future

Cord blood banking: a different aspect for safer future 

In order to understand the cord blood banking, first of all we have to understand the cord blood.

What is cord blood?

It is the blood in your baby's umbilical cord (In placental mammals, the umbilical cord (also called the navel string, birth cord or funiculus umbilicalis) is a conduit between the developing embryo or fetus and the placenta).
Cord blood contains stem cells that have properties to grow into blood vessels, organs, and tissues.

Researches are going on along with clinical trials on cord blood to explore  their suitability for helping those with Spinal cord injuries, brain injury, autism,  and other conditions. These specialized cells are already used to treat dozens of diseases.

So your baby's cord blood can be collected by professionals at birth and stored for future use if required to fight some diseases if any.

What is cord blood banking?

Cord blood banking involves in collecting blood left in newborn's umbilical cord and placenta and storing it for future medical use if required, because cord blood contains potentially lifesaving cells called stem cells.

For cord blood storage, you have two main options:

You can donate your baby's cord blood to a public cord blood bank for anyone who needs it.
You can pay to store your baby's cord blood in a private cord blood bank for your family's use.

Benefits of cord blood banking?

Cord blood offers a number of advantages to donors and transplant recipients. It is easy to collect, often more likely to provide a suitable match and is stored frozen, ready to use. 
Now as we know that cord blood is a rich source of blood stem cells so it is very beneficial to store the cord blood.
Stem cells are the building blocks of the blood and immune system of the body. Stem cells have the ability to develop into other types of cells, so they can help repair tissues, organs, and blood vessels if needed in future. Patients with conditions like leukemia, for instance, chemotherapy is often used to rid their body of diseased cells so that normal blood cell production can be restored. Once that happens, the disease goes into remission.

Stem cells are also found in bone marrow, human embryos, fetal tissue, hair follicles, baby teeth, fat, circulating blood, and muscle. Every part of the human body contains some stem cells, but sadly most of them are not a rich enough source to be harvested for therapeutic applications.

If the treatment fails or disease recurs, however, doctors often do a stem cell transplant. It is a transfusion of stem cells from the bone marrow, peripheral blood (blood in the bloodstream), or cord blood from a healthy donor can help create a new blood and immune system, giving the patient a better chance of making a full recovery.

Unlike the stem cells in bone marrow or peripheral blood, stem cells in cord blood are immature and haven't yet learned how to attack foreign substances. It's easier to match transplant patients with cord blood than with other sources of stem cells because the cord blood stem cells are less likely to reject the transfusion.

How is cord blood collected?

Cord blood is collected right after birth. The collection process is painless and safe for you and your baby. 

In fact, it's so quick and painless that parents – caught up in holding and bonding with their new baby – are often unaware it has even happened.

Here's how it's done?

Clamping and cutting the cord
After you've delivered your baby, whether vaginally or by c-section, the cord is clamped and then cut in the usual way – either by your partner or your Doctor or medical professional.

You can delay cord clamping, as long as the delay is brief – no more than a minute or two. (If cord clamping is delayed too long, the blood in the cord will clot. And once the blood clots, it's of no benefit to anyone – it doesn't go to your baby and can't be collected for storage.)

Extracting the cord blood
Your doctor or healthcare professional then inserts a needle into the umbilical vein on the part of the cord that's still attached to the placenta.  It is safe and pain free as the needle doesn't go anywhere near your baby.

Now the blood drains into a collection bag. Commonly, 30 to 140 milliliter of blood is collected. The entire process takes less than 10-15 minutes.

The blood is shipped to a cord blood bank, where it's tested, processed, and cryopreserved (preserved by controlled freezing) for long-term storage.
Some family cord blood banks now offer to collect a segment of the umbilical cord in addition to the cord blood. Umbilical cord tissue contains stem cells that are different from cord blood stem cells, and researchers are studying their possible use in future.

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Physiotherapy can help you in post-viral arthritis

Physiotherapy can help you in post-viral arthritis 
How to get rid of the joints pain after viral fever?

Viral fever outbreaks can be seen commonly now a days. Most of the viral fevers are associated with symptoms of joint pains  also known as arthralgia. Viral fever usually reveals as joint pains affecting small and large joints of both upper and lower extremities. In some cases, the joint pain may persist even after the fever is resolve, this is known as post-viral arthritis.

Viral arthritis  resolved in few days commonly but sometimes it causes crippling symptoms or may mask other forms of arthritis. 

Viral arthritis has been increasing  rapidly since the last few years. These cases mostly reported mostly in the months of June to October. 

What cause viral arthritis?

Dengue virus,
Alpha viruses including the infamous chikungunya virus,
Parvovirus B1,  
Mumps and rubella viruses, 
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). 
Hepatitis viruses including A, B and C viruses, 
herpes simplex virus, 
Epstein Barr virus, 
Unknown viruses.

Differential diagnosis :

Acute rheumatic fever, 
Sjogrens Syndrome, 
Lupus Rheumatoid arthritis, 
Undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy. 

The two phases of Viral Arthritis:

Early Phase (First 10 Days) 
Patient complains of fever, myalgias  (muscle pains), symmetric polyarthralgias (multiple joint pain), transient rash,   and conjunctivitis.

Poly arthralgia involves mainly the wrists, hands, ankles and toes.
Swelling of the joints is a characteristic clinical finding in these patients. 
During this phase, elevation of liver enzymes (AST, ALT and J-glutamyltransferase) and muscle enzymes (creatine phosphokinase and lactate dehydrogenase) is observed in 50% of the patients, accompanied by cytopenias -reduction in blood cell numbers (thrombocytopenia which is a fall in platelet numbers, and leucopenia which is a fall in WBC numbers). In some cases minute haemorrhages under the skin can be seen. 

Medicine play important role at this stage to reduce morbidity and complications.
Pharmaceutical agents used to treat patients suffering from viral arthritis include non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Medicines including anti malarials,
anti neoplastic agents, 
other anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics may be required. 

Later Phase (After 10 Days) 
In This phase there is no associated fever or rash complained by patients. 
Most patients comes with pain and swelling of the joints in both their hands and legs. Some patients may complains of having stiffness in these joints in the mornings. 
The potential benefits of drugs should be weighed against their potential risks and it is prudent to seek specialist help if symptoms are prolonged and do not respond to simple measures. 
If it is a typical viral arthritis then there is no need of specialists and patients should be reassure that symptoms are self limiting and it is unlikely to develop in to a worse or serious condition.
In this phase physiotherapy can play a better role.

Physiotherapy is the solution to prevent morbidity in post viral arthritis

As per studies all cases of such viral attacks are nondestructive for joints and not develop in to the chronic condition.

  • Physiotherapy prevent morbidity of such conditions very efficiently.

  • To prevent the side effects of excess use of  painkillers the physiotherapy modalities like TENS (nerve stimulation) and IFT (interferential therapy) are efficient and have no side-effects.

  • Morning stiffness can be prevented with the help of contrast bath, auto stretching  and A PROM exercises.

  • Ultra sonic therapy and positioning with exercises protocol can prevent the swelling in such patients.

  • Muscle strength and Range of motion can be easily achieved with the help of Physio therapeutic exercises.

  • Relaxation can be achieved through various breathing and relaxation techniques.

So contact your nearest Physiotherapist today and get rid off  all your Post viral arthritis related problems..

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Doctors dieing young

Doctors health: Medical fraternity to practice  What they preach to patients...

Above news clearly showing that we are not implementing the instructions on our self what we are advising to our patients in day to day practices in our hospitals and clinics.
this is surprising that life span of indian doctors lowered by 10 years. Mainly the diseases due to which our doctors are dieing  are life style disorders.Stress,diabetes and cardiac conditions are mainly behind the scene. We have to very careful while managing our patient health and same for our self also.

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

Sunday, 2 October 2016

How to migrate to USA as a physical therapist

USA Migration process for Physiotherapist
We all studies from good physiotherapy colleges and universities so it is obvious that we deserve a good life. We need good resources to live and recognition in society so most of us headed towards USA. It is not that much easy to work in USA, as requirements to practice physiotherapy in USA is very different as compare to other countries. If you want to make your dream true to work in USA as a physical therapist you have to go through given below steps. 

STEP 1:  Practice Licence
Practice Licence in USA is provided by state in which you wish to practice. There is no policy like national physical therapist licence, you have to choose one state in which you wish to work than apply for the licence.
Different states have different licencing authorities which have different criteria  to which you have to clear before practice. There are also a variation between the scope of the physiotherapist in states like you can practice dry needling in some states but not in New York So you have to fulfill different requirements to work for different states..
Although state rules are very similar but they are not identical. 
There are important notable differences.
1. The most common is the H1B visa, which requires:
2. The Healthcare worker Certificate

You will need a healthcare worker certificate depending upon the type of visa you are seeking. The requirements for a physical therapist seeking a healthcare worker certificate include:
Gather information about your would be state’s license process. The best point of contact is the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy’s website.
Apply as a new applicant. 

Requirements for US physical therapy practice

1. Complete an application.
2. Receive verification of substantial equivalency to US first professional degree in physical therapy or state requirements.
3. Receive authorization to test for the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE).
4. Most important pass the NPTE this is the golden pass to USA.

Some states may also require:

1. Verification of eligibility to practice in country of education.
2. TOFEL (English knoweledge).
3. A period of board-approved, supervised practice may also be there sometime before or after the licencing.
4. A United States Social Security Number. (SSN)
5. Background verification check.

Step 2. Credentialing Process
Find a credentialing agency like FCCPT that meets your needs and is accepted by the state in which you wish to practice. The FCCPT  can assist you in this endeavor to meet the requirements of license and/or immigration.
FCCPT is a credentialing agency that authenticates and verifies all educational and regulatory documents. FCCPT also provides educational credential reviews for jurisdictional licensure and CMS provider requirements.

1. FCCPT has been authorized by USCIS to issue the healthcare worker certificate.
2.. FCCPT does not evaluate or equate work experience.

Please note: Credentialing does not include review of continuing education taught outside of the college or university system.

 The FCCPT offers a service called the Planned Learning and Assistance Network (PLAN). This service helps you interpret your report, and develops options for you to choose from to meet the requirements for equivalency.

Website you need to visit for this is 

Notification from FCCPT September 30, 2016 

Important change to USCIS Requirements for Health Care Worker Certification 
USCIS now requires the following to obtain a Type I Health Care Worker Certificate: 
1. Master’s degree or higher in Physical Therapy, and 
2. 202.1 semester credits minimum 
In response to USCIS' requirements, FCCPT has implemented the following requirements on the Comprehensive Credentials Review (Type 1 Review) Service: 
New Type I Review applications received on or after September 15, 2016 Must possess a Master's Degree or higher in Physical Therapy. 
If you submit an application and your degree title is a Bachelors degree, your service will be cancelled and your application fee will be refunded. 

Step 3. Immigration
 Immigration is a very important step to understand first of all clearly understand the type of visa or immigration process you will fall under in order to work in USA. 

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website ( provides insight into the requirements for immigration. 

foreign national will need a visa that allows them to work in the US as a non-US citizen.
Important things:
Keep your  healthcare worker certificate ready.
Passage of the TOEFL examinations is necessary to migrate in US.
Before immigration and issuance of VISA you need to ensure a sponsor and an employer.
Your personal appearance at the US embassy is also required at the fixed dates. 

You can also choose to apply for permanent resident status (PR, green card) or citizenship, depending upon your personal needs and eligibility in US. 
Student or Dependent/Spouse visas may have restrictions on work, so be certain that you understand the restrictions related to this.

For further information and helps you can email me at

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

Understanding Spondylitis, Back Pain, and Degenerative Disc Disease

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