Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Looking to get the most affordable and effective treatment: Try Physical therapy!

Looking to get the most affordable and effective treatment: Try Physical therapy!

Modern allopathic medicine has evolved through the ages and most doctors have now become “pill-pushers” meaning that there is a pill for everything in this world.  Such a practice results in the symptoms getting cured and not the main cause.
Patients are asked to move on to prescription drugs, food supplements, protein isolates, casein for recovery which are very expensive and might cause financial drain.
You might get cured but might come under severe financial strain after recovery and even your family will be affected.
Physical therapy specialists in Delhi will avoid such a prospect as they are trained to study the inter-related causes of a problem and the fact that imbalance in one area causes imbalances in another.

 Explore the new technologies that Physical therapy offers!

Yes, this is in fact the best part about Physical therapy that it has evolved over time and has imbibed new technologies that will make treatment outcomes better, more accurate and more in line with patient expectations.
There are few Physical therapy specialists in the country as most doctors are involved in other systems of medicine. The following technologies have been embraced by Physical therapy specialists to offer relief for a few chronic diseases that need medical attention.
They include:
Exercise therapy
Manual Therapy
Laser therapy
High technology medical equipment is used to cure patients and that is without medicines with high quality care.

 Most patients begin to respond within a few sessions and over the long term diseases such as chronic back pain (lumbago) Slip disc, Sciatica, cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylolisthesis, frozen shoulder, knee arthritis, RA,  tennis elbow, stress related migraine or headaches which can cause severe financial drain are eliminated from the body of the patient. He bounces back to good health, prosperity and cheer from a vulnerable position before.

Stay focused through Physical therapy!

Yes, this is important as Physical therapy will let you stay focused on your deliverable, without bothering unnecessarily about your health.  Health is real wealth and this is something that Physical therapy will make you understand as you feel good. Your overall energy levels will be higher as you learn to practice diet control, a good exercise regimen and better sleep and waking up patterns.

Since Physical therapy exercises helps activate your natural energy reserves, there is no chance of depending upon any external source or medication and will be self-dependent on recovery.

The biggest benefit of Physical therapy is in the well-being it creates in the minds of families whose members are affected. Co-dependency in the form of a family member being devoted completely to taking care of another member is fully eliminated and everybody can concentrate on their core body of work.

In order to have a better future, you need to look at the larger picture and stay healthy, fit and take very good care of yourself.  Imbibing alternative methods of medicine is a very good way to save costs and emerge stronger in a super- competitive world. 

If you want to know more about Physical therapy and its magical benefits, you can see the web and obtain more information about this wonderful physio therapeutic system of medicine.

Physical therapy at https://physiotherapyanobleprofession.blogspot.com/

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

Thursday, 1 December 2016

What are the 7 Signs and symptoms of a great physical therapist

7 Signs and symptoms of a good physical therapist/ physiotherapists 
Dear friends, no one can judge you better than yourself, be you own judge, best critic and evaluate. Here i am going to list certain things, traits which are considered as the eternal parts of a great physical therapist's personality.The following are the signs or symptoms of a great Physical therapist:-
1.  The have great patience which reflects in their deeds: 
Great physios have power of patience they never loose hope and calm. Most of the patients in the field of physical therapy are suffering from chronic diseases and these condition take long time to recovers. Some time there are the cases where we have to work to maintain the conditions only and keep the patient away from deterioration.

Treating the patients with electrotherapy modality is not the only task in a field with disability as measure. Common sense pay a lot and make a therapist stand out of the queue.
It’s rare to hear the truly great Physical therapist utter phrases such as "it may be,"“Um,” “I’m not sure” and “I think.” Great Physical therapists speak assertively because they know that it’s difficult to get people to listen to you if you can’t deliver your ideas with conviction.
"Risk toh Spiderman ko bhi lena padta hai ... main toh phir bhi physio hoon" means even Spider-man has to take risk ... I am only a physio When great Physical therapists see an opportunity, they take it. Instead of worrying about what could go wrong, they ask themselves, “What’s stopping me? Why can’t I do that?” and they go for it. Fear doesn’t hold them back because they know that if they never try, they will never succeed. so great physical therapists take risks.
Happiness is a critical element of greatness, because in order to be great, you have to be happy with who you are. Physical therapists who brim with greatness derive their sense of pleasure and satisfaction from their own accomplishments, as opposed to what other people think of their accomplishments.
Don't afraid of anybodies father! Great Physical therapists aren’t afraid to be proven wrong. They like putting their opinions out there to see if they hold up because they learn a lot from the times they are wrong and other people learn from them when they’re right. Learn from the mistakes of others. Self-assured people know what they are capable of and don’t treat being wrong as a personal slight.
7. Great physical therapists seek out small victories: 
Great Physical therapists like to challenge themselves and compete, even when their efforts yield small victories. Small victories build new androgen receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and motivation. The increase in androgen receptors increases the influence of testosterone, which further increases their confidence and eagerness to tackle future challenges. When you have a series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last for months and years.
Har aadmi mein do tarah ki quality hoti hai ... upar le jaane waali aur neeche le jaane waali ... aur dono mein se joh quality jeet jaati hai, woh vaisi zindagi jee jaata hai In English  it means In every person there are two types of qualities .. the one that takes you up and the one that takes you down .. and the quality that wins between these two, the person lives that kind of life. So how many traits found in you from my list? Stay away from dirty politics. Profession will spoils and coming generations will curse us if dirty politics is there.  These traits set apart good Physical therapists from great Physical therapists. Greatness is something that can only be earned, nobody is born with it and no wonder there are so many Physical therapists who have displayed their greatness through their magnificent contribution towards the society.
Peene ki capacity, jeene ki strength, account ka balance aur naam ka khauf ... kabhi bhi kam nahi hona chahiye
means drinking capacity, strength to live, account balance and fear of the name ... should never be low.
Hail Physiotherapy!

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

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