Sunday, 26 December 2021

How to keep your clinic plants hydrated when you are on holidays or vacation

 It's a common problem we face when we go on vacations that who is going to water my favorite plants at home.

Sometime be can assign this work as a help from our relatives or friends but not at all on all the times.

So it is very difficult to leave our favorite plants keep dying at home and we enjoying vacations.

Here are few hacks I have created for my plants I would like to share with you also so that you can also take help from these tips

 first thing I recommend is put your all plants in a shady place,

How to keep your plant safe during your vacation

Second put a tray of water field  under the bought in which the plant is.

This will keep the soil of your plant pot moist

Keep a plastic bottle inverted upside down in the pot make a thin opening with the help of red hot needle so that water can be drained from the water to the pot for longer duration.

Save water save earth

Next step 4th is about making a cotton rope immersed in a bucket from one end and other end you can be immersed in the flower pot or planter pot. This will keep that's why I love the pot moist.

5th step is investing some money by purchasing a irrigation set which is available easily on shopping platforms like Amazon and flipkart's from where you can purchase these things.

If you have any other idea which can help others please share in the comment box.

Father of personal blogging


I claim that blogiram India wale Is the father of personal blogging.

This is because blogiram India wale share all the detail of his experience on his beautiful blogs.

This is a experience of past where you can find the impact of major events on the life of a blogger.

Father of personal blogging

Blogiram India wale Is the mirror of society.

What is happening in the world around the world can be seen in his blog.

Blogiram India wale share all his personal experiences on his blog so he need to be considered as father of personal blogging.

Comment if you agree on this statement.

What are best qualities of Orthopaedic implant

What are best qualities of Orthopaedic implant

Chemically inert it should be of best quality steel or alloys of titanium and cobalt.

Biocompatible should not interact with human body

Low elastic modulus that help intact function


Great strength and. Foreeve

High fatigue resistance

Good wear resistance

Inexpensive cost effectiveness is the key.

What is the treatment for osteoarthritis

 What is the treatment for osteoarthritis.

We'll still try this is a beer and tear of your joints and this is a mechanical age related phenomena.

Due to continuous use of joints the bone end start decaying. This degeneration of joint surfaces leads into osteophyte s.
If these osteophytes broken down and loss into the joint surface they may lead to a special pressure or injury to the joint surface which may irritate the nerve supply of the joints.


Diagnosis of osteoarthritis

I'm still trying to be diagnosed with the help of x-ray where it will show us sperm of bone and degeneration of joint and the space between joints will be reduced.

What is the treatment for osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis commonly treated with the physiotherapy especially wax bath, 
Tense ultrasonic and IFt.
If you have any other questions let me twist your arthritis please visit your nearest physiotherapist.

Are pain patches helpful in gout pain relief

 What are pain patches?

Pain patches

Pain patches are pain relieving tips or stickers which provide pain relief and are effective for pain relief as per the manufacturing companies.
I have personally used those patches but font no relief at all.
That is a feeling of sensation which made diverse your attention for a few minutes but that's not enough for a shooting pain like gout pain.
This patches maybe helpful in back pain or neck pain in case of muscle injury because they can provide stability also and stability to adjacent tissue which is ruptured may lead to optimum healing condition.

Saturday, 25 December 2021

What are heat plaster

 What is heat plaster

Heat plaster is a sheet or tape which is
Applied on the joint which is inflamed or muscle which is inflamed or pain.
Which provide intensive and long-lasting effect on pain relief. Few of them can relieve the pain for up to 24 hours also. Did heat blasters are claimed to be both of ayurvedic nature and allopathic also.

Heat plasters are effective in muscular pain, neck pain, back pain and they also provide faster releaf in these conditions.

Most of the heat blaster contains extracts of capsicum annuum Linn.

How to apply heat plaster

Food plaster need to be applied on the dry and clean skin so always clean the skin before applying the heat blaster or patches on your skin.

How to store heat plaster

Heat plaster

Seed plasters need to restore in our dry place.
So always ensure that whenever you reap a packet of heat plaster apply and save store the rest of remaining plasters in a dry places.

Where to apply heat blaster or pain relief patches

Heat plaster provided releave  in following condition 
1 arthritis 
2 calf pain 
3 neck pain 
4 fibrosis 
5 lumbago 
6 back pain and other muscular pain

What are the benefits of heat plasters

Heat plasters are easy to apply and they left no stains like other sprays and creams for pain relief.

Gout pain relief remedies

 How to treat gout how to cure treat gout,What is gout?

Gout is a joint and muscle problem which happened due to increase uric acid and formation of uric acid crystals in and around the joints.

Symptoms of gout

Classical symptom of gout is pain in joint of great toe.
The pain may refer from other joints also joints of ankle got inflamed very badly apart from that laterally in chronic states all joints can be effective severely.
Pain go up to the extent where it is unbearable patient can cry badly also due to pain.
 initial pain areas in foot

Possible causes of gout

Usually increase in the uric acid level in the blood lead to gout, though there are several reasons to increase of this uric acid level in your blood.
You should take a lot of uric acid increasing products basically uric acid increased due to breakdown of proteins if your food contain more proteins that means uric acid created in your bloodstream is more.
Long term use of hypertension medicines also lead to increase in uric acid.

How to diagnose Gout

Up to getting the symptoms of gout your doctor will prescribe blood test basically you want to try uric acid levels in your blood.
Another few conditions to rule out he may advise x-ray or ultrasound.

Treatment of gout

Treatment of gout basically need lowering down of uric acid so xyloric fabustat will be the preferred medicines from your doctor few other doctor may advise cholchecin like similar products also.

For pain relief range from ibuprofen paracetamol naproxen or indomethacin.
Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs always help in the reducing pain and swelling from the joints temporarily.

But I will not recommend long-term use of these drugs they will definitely impact your health especially the kidneys health.
Few homeopathy drugs can also be taken but full application and time span the doctor recommend is very long.

Friday, 24 December 2021

Why we feel more pain in winter

 It is common observation that the pains aggravates in the winters.

What are the common causes for pain aggravation in winter.

In winters: the first reason is there is increase in barometric pressure in the atmosphere.

Due to this there will be more nerve sensitivity and less blood circulation which leads to pain in winters.

The second cause of increase in pain is less activity in the summer, we tend to hold the joint in same position for a long time in order to prevent any movement which leads to pain.

How to prevent joint pain in winter:

One keep your joints always active do all the active exercises to keep your joint movable.
Two enjoy sunlight or sunbath.
Three always take seasonal fruits most likely the citrus fruit which contain lot of vitamin c and be which keep your nerves healthy and our body healthy.
Joint pains in winter increases

Keep yourself warm by putting multiple layers of clothes so that the loss of heat will be minimized as air is a insulator of heat.
Use hot fermentation on joints if you feel pain during winter. Chronic pains got relieved by heat therapy.
For more detail please visit to your nearest physiotherapist or physical therapist.

Sunday, 19 December 2021

Noble professions

 Aim of every human being or every living being in this world is to be a happy soul.

Each step what we took is only striving to work achieving of happiness.

Each one of us have choosen our profession to earn our living and to become happy in our life.

There are lot many profession in this world ranging from basic salary to a salary where we can't even think of. Every individual is getting his work done in order to earn his living and stay happy in his life.

There are some jobs where people enjoy their work while in other they may not be enjoying their work.

So what make a job a novel job or a profession a novel profession.

A profession or a job which consist of a feeling of content ness and feeling of if you have done something in your life is known as noble profession which help the individual also as well as the humanity also.

So right from the beginning teaching, medical, police scientist and social work are considered to be a profession which are novel these professional work for novel causes.

The professions in which core values are associated like to help someone to heal someone to give someone which can change their life are the part of noble profession.

Saturday, 18 December 2021

Pain and best painkillers

 Pain is a bast subject to discuss. There are various reasons for pain to cause pain which may range from physical to psychological psychosomatic also.


If we focus on the treatment of pains commonly the management of pain can be divided into two parts.

 Conservative method and non-conservative method in conservative methods things like physiotherapy, electro therapy magnetic therapy acupuncture yoga color therapy magnet therapy dry needle therapy hijama acuepressure will come.

In second approach medicines  homeopathy electrohomeo, modern medicine surgery ayurvedic medicines will come under this section.

But in my view a combined approach of conservative and non-conservative methods should be applied to control pain as in the second method there are chances that the drugs are chemical you use to treat your pains may harm you.

If your gout is aggravated in winter

 Goat is very common arthritis nowadays, this is due to accumulation of uric acid in your joints leading to crystals which generate pain in the muscles and in and around the joints.

In winters it aggravates the frequency of boats of the gout increases.

It also increases with certain proteins more intake and alcohol or beverages also.

Always always keep yourself away from meats and purein rich diet.

Causes: there are so many reason behind gout basically all the things which lead to compilation of uric acid crystals in your joint lead to goat.

There are chances that if you are having blood pressures medications you are having gout.

Symptoms: a person who is suffering from Gout always exhibit joint pain especially in lower limbs in initial stage. Classical symptom of gout is pain in great toe near PIP.

In later stages other joints may also involve like hip knee and the joints of hands also.

Diagnosis: uric acid test is the best diagnostic tool it is the indicator of increased uric acid in the blood.

Joint fluid test can be also done where doctor draw fluid from your joint and see unique acid crystals under the microscope

X-ray ultrasound can be taken in advance stages.


First try to control your gout through conservative methods like feet cold and diet.

If you are still not able to control the pain and the symptoms and uric acid levels, please consult your nearest physician he will give you medication along with advice to join physiotherapy.

Heat or cold compression along with electrotherapy tense IFT are helpful in gout management.

Common medicine prescribed for gout are allopurinol fabustat and in pain killers they prescribe paracetamol indomethacin and celebrex etc. 

Saturday, 11 December 2021

Physiotherapist are unhappy in India

 Many a time a question arises in our mind that who is responsible for the poor/ critical condition of the physiotherapist in India?

 Whether it is government policies, other fraternities in medical science or the physiotherapist itself. These are the three major reasons I can assume for the poor status of physiotherapist in India.

 Physiotherapist always want a independent council in India but after so many efforts were failed.

In the past also such instances happened when physiotherapists were asked to join occupational rehabilitation council of India or other paramedical councils this time also government have played the same card and ask them to join a big umbrella underneath.

Physiotherapist are unhappy in India

Results into poor basis for physiotherapists no scope for promotion or growth in any of the sectors. The physiotherapist who joined government hospital on contract basis 15 years back are still on the contract there are no policies to make them permanent.

Now the physiotherapists are over is to get other employment or jobs in anywhere so they have to stay in those contractual job only for whole of the life.

So that is a big large dark future ahead for us.

Physiotherapist association in India are so poor that they don't have any vision or goal, though it is on paper.

Private physiotherapy colleges are mushrooming in India like anything, they don't exhibit the professionalism anywhere they don't teach well and also the services or the infrastructure required to run a physiotherapy college is not up to the mark.

No for some this is a lucrative business open up physiotherapy college and collect hard and money of the parents then provide poor education to the kids.

No no control on search education institutes also lead to bad name for physiotherapist.

What are your views Please share in comment box.

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  The Most Boring Subject in BPT: A Necessary Evil? Physiotherapy is an exciting field filled with hands-on learning, patient interaction, ...