Monday, 21 March 2022

Which branch of MPT lost its charm 🧿

Which stream of MPT lost its charm 🧿

Dear friends

And you must be aware that physiotherapy is a branch of medicine and healthcare which deals with impairments and disabilities temporary or permanent with the help of modalities like heat cold electricity magnetism and needling plus exercises and manual therapy.
Basic requirement to treat patient and to get a license to treat that patient is bachelor in physiotherapy.
Like other streams physiotherapy also have masters stream to get specialized in physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy is a Noble profession

It is mostly two or three years course to get a master degree in physiotherapy.
Main main streams in MPT or master in physical therapy or physiotherapy are:

MPT orthopedics

MPT neurology

MPT cardiology

MPT sports medicine

MPT CBR or community-based rehabilitation

MPT pediatrics

MPT geriatric 

MPT in manual therapy

Out of the fuel fields in which master can be done after completing bachelor degree or BPT.

MPT orthopedic, MPT sports medicine, MPT cardiology and MPT neurology are the topmost branches where everyone want to get enrolled.
But we should also not assess other branches less as they have also the equal potential to learn and serve the society.
Very few post graduates and roll themself in community waste rehabilitation and geriatric streams while this stream also got most of the patient load.

Hey there is a lot which can be done in these streams in urban area as well as in rural area.
There is a big scope in this field of rehabilitation people need us the Nobel professionals in the  society where there is a dearth of good physical therapists.
Thank you.

Monday, 14 March 2022

Who live longer men or women?

Who live longer men or women?

 Hi Friends!

Hope you are enjoying your time with your loving ones !

This question arises in everyone's mind that who live longer male or female?

Some countries have marriage rule/ rituals also that in a marriage male should be older to female or vise versa.

Male and female are both homosapiens sapiens species. There is a view that both have same life span but data never lies.

Old age couple

On research it was observed that female live longer than men.

Now if we try to find out the causes of this fact there are many.

Studies told that on average  men  live 76 years and till the age of 72 they tend to live healthy, one other side female on average live 81 years till 76 they tend to live healthy.

There are many reasons for this I tried to list a few important ones.

Smoking and drinking and over weight

 It is well known that men are more likely to smoke, drink excessively and be overweight in comparison to female.

Non compliant with diagnosis and treatment

Men are also less likely to seek medical help and early intervention, secondly if diagnosed with a disease, they are more likely to be non-adherent to treatment.

Risk taking behaviour

On top of all that, men are more likely to take life-threatening risks and to die in road accidents, battle, brawls or gun fights also.

Men also keep them indulge risky sports and activities.

Harmonal difference

Men produce testosterone  which is not good for immunity it reduces immunity on the contrary estrogen is produced by female which increases immunity related protection.

Researches are still going on this matter not clinically proven, few comparisons of castrated male to normal male have given the evidence data for Thai fact in past.

What is in the age it is just a number

Thursday, 10 March 2022



Physiotherapy is a noble profession which is in high demand  even during and after COVID era.
Physio relieve their patients from pain and provide them free movement.
They take their patient from odd situations like nerve pains joints pains or other movement disorders.
Physiotherapists have a council in India now though it is not independent.
Always select colleges affiliated to IAP Indian association of physiotherapist and Council.

Monday, 7 March 2022

Cerebral palsy:- The condition that snatch executive chairman and CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella's son.

 Cerebral palsy: The condition that snatch executive chairman and CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella's son.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's son named Zain, who was born with Cerebral Palsy (CP), died last week.

CP is a congenital disorder that Zain suffered is highlighted again. 

Cerebral means something that is related to the brain, Palsy means weakness or issues with using the muscles.You may say that Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of disorders that affect movement and muscle tone or posture of a patient.

Basal ganglia

Child was born three pounds and he did not cry at the time of birth.

Reason may be hypoxic brain (less oxigen to brain tissues), abnormal pregnancy, breech delivery maternal infections, traumatic head injury, genetic mutations, bleeding into the brain, baby infections and fatal stroke etc.

Zain was treated in Seattle Children's Hospital with its state-of-the-art Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. at that time he must not be aware how their life changed due to Cerebral Palsy.

He come to know that due to utero asphyxiation now Zain would require a wheelchair as it caused severe cerebral palsy.

 It is a devastated moments for thousands of families if they get to know such things. 

CEREBRAL PALSY affects patient's ability to control his or her muscles. 

 There is abnormal brain development in such cases .

Type of cerebral palsy:

CP can affect the whole body, or just be limited to one or two limbs, or one side of the body.

On the bases of this it can be termed as quadriplegic (all limb), hemiplegic ( half side of the body), biplegic (both upper or lower limbs) or monoplegic( single limb).

On the bases of spasticity ( hard muscles tone) or flacidity (loos muscles tone) patient can be classified as spastic CP or flacid CP.

Other types

Dyskinetic cerebral palsy (no movement control)

Ataxic cerebral palsy (no cordination of movement) mixed cerebral palsy.

 Signs and symptoms:

Patients with cerebral Palsy have problems with 1. movement

2. Coordination 

3. Speech 

4. Eating

5. Delayed development aka delay milestone.

What are milestones:

Milestones are the predicted stages for when a child reaches a significant stage in their development such as neck holding, walking or talking etc.

A delayed milestone is when a child has not attained a significant stage at the predicted age.

Associated conditions with cerebral palsy:

Children with cerebral palsy often have associated conditions that can affect a child's quality of life. Children or adults with the disease may face:

1. Respiratory problems

2. Speech impairment

3. Oral motor impairments

4. Digestive issues

5. vision impairment

6. Hearing impairment

7. Epileptic seizures.

A person with severe Cerebral Palsy need to use special aid and appliances to sit stand and walk.

CP patients might not be able to walk at all and might need lifelong care.

Patients with mild Cerebral Palsy, might be able to walk a little but not properly.

They may not need any special help. 

The condition does not get worse with time, though the exact symptoms can change over a person's lifestyle.

CP is a non-progressive disorder of the brain tissues and it usually happens prenatal (before a child is born), but it may also occur at birth or in early infancy <5 years.

According to Dr. Pratibha BPT, MPT Neurology renowned physiotherapy consultant in Kasturba hospital, "The symptoms of CP can vary from patient to patient". She added that common clinical symptoms shown by these patients are delayed milestones, flacidity / spasticity of limbs, low mental ability and restricted movements.

Proper maternal and neonatal care along with avoiding Hypoxia during birth can avoid this disorder.

She emphasis on neonatal exercises, lifestyle modifications and relaxation techniques during pregnancy.

Routine checkup during pregnancy is a must.

If this disorder happened to someone there are no 100% proven methods currently to fully prevent cerebral palsy. This is because the exact cause of the disease is not known fully yet, so

avoid exposure to infections or viruses known to impact fetus health, avoiding drinking and smoking during pregnancy.

 Spastic CP is the most common type of CP spastic society of India is working great for these patients.

 Mostly stiff muscles and exaggerated reflexes, making it difficult to walk.

There is no treatment to cure for C fully, available treatments can improve the lives of those who are suffering this condition.

Treatment is mix of medications, therapies(Bobath techniques), as per need surgical procedures.

Drugs that can reduce muscle spasticity used to improve functional abilities.

Pain killer treat pain.

Most popular therapy 

Physiotherapy also known as physical therapy with occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and recreational therapy.

Surgical procedures may include orthopaedic surgery eg. Z-plasty and cutting nerve fibers.

Children and adults with cerebral palsy require lifelong care with a medical care team. 

Early intervention can improve outcomes.

The unfortunate news of Zain's demise provoke me to write this blog.

We are with grieving family in this tough time 

Praying to God for giving Nadela family strength to bear this loss.

Thursday, 3 March 2022

How to become a physiotherapist in Luxembourg

To become a physiotherapist in Luxembourg first you need to know about its governing body. In Luxembourg the association play important role for physical therapy field.

It is very old and established association.

The Luxembourg Association of Physiotherapists has been a member of World Physiotherapy since 1978.


This association is part of Europe region.

Secondly, under its current name, the association is the result of the merger between the Luxembourg Association of Graduate Kinesitherapists, founded in 1967, and the Luxembourg Association of University Physiotherapists, founded in 1982.

Recently they have taken a bold step against Association of Norway against its decision about manual therapists.

Now about the courses in Luxembourg

Bsc Hons physiotherapy

Bachelor of physiotherapy

Bsc physiotherapy

Associate of physiotherapy

Luxembourg physiotherapy

Choice of institution 

University of

As you aware that physiotherapists are highly responsible and knowledgeable health care professionals.

They help us at any stage of our life to develop, maintain and regain movement and functional ability in case of trauma, injuries, diseases, disability, and aging, Physiotherapist help us to optimise our quality of life.

 Physiotherapist also work in public health, sports and prevention field.

Based on their extensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology, human movement kinesiology, biomechanics, pathology and a wide range of assessment techniques and treatment approaches, they diagnose health problems, work together with their patients to identify goals, monitor their patients' progress, and support their patients in achieving those goals.

Details of the course

Duration: 3 years (full-time course)

Degree: Bachelor degree

Credits: 180 ECTS

Language: English

Programme Starts: April or October.

Please send your questions in comment box.

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

How to become a physiotherapist in Canada?

 How to become a physiotherapist in Canada?

First of all congratulations that you have a big dream to get certified and become a physiotherapist in Canada.

Canada is a developed country.their population is still very low and requirements for professional like Physiotherapists is huge. First thing first Canadian physiotherapy programs require a 4-year university degree, as well as completion of a 1-year internship. 

Physiotherapy is a licensed profession in Canada. You need to check for the licensing procedures for the province where you want to settle.

it may require several years to get a Canadian license and even going to school again for a year or more.

As well the recession caused by the pandemic has eliminated all the survival jobs new PR holders used to do while they got their Canadian qualifications it is also important point to note.

Most of the curricula integrate science, research, and rehabilitation principles with the practical skills to address patient's health care needs.

Physiotherapy is a noble profession

The majority of those graduating from these courses become career physiotherapists in Canada. If you are an aspiring physiotherapists you should bear in mind that they will need to take pre-requisite courses such as anatomy and physiology, chemistry, microbiology throughout their first three years at university before beginning their final year specialization in health sciences or medical sciences for an additional 9 months. 

In Canada most schools offer a combined option that combines medical sciences practice with other theoretical subjects such as psychology and biomechanical engineering among others. If you want to practice as a physiotherapist in Canada, graduates must also apply for the Canadian Physiotherapy Licensing Examination (CPLEX) this exam administered by the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators.

All provincial Regulatory Colleges, except Quebec province, requires you to first pass Physiotherapy Competency Examination (PCE). 

This exam comprises two different exams

 1. a written, multiple-choice exam and

 2. a clinical exam. The Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR) regulates PCE.

It is important to determine your qualifications and educational credentials should be assessed by CAPR if you want to be eligible to write the PCE exam.

Successful completion of this examination leads to full licensure and enables them to practice their profession throughout Canada.

 What if you have a degree outside Canada?

In such cases you can also clear the exam or practice as assistant physiotherapist initially.

Canadian government is kind enough to give citizenship to healthcare professionals like physiotherapist.

 If you have any questions please type in comment box.

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  The Most Boring Subject in BPT: A Necessary Evil? Physiotherapy is an exciting field filled with hands-on learning, patient interaction, ...