Sunday, 29 November 2015



Currently, Indian physiotherapy is in a grim situation. Physiotherapists of the country are in a future dilemma.Physiotherapists in India are loosing all hopes after division of IAP the biggest association of physiotherapist in country. Torch bearer seniors are fighting uselessly for the shake of ego. They have no idea how they are making a noble profession porous.
If we see number of students taking admissions in physiotherapy collages in India it is showing a steep low in resent past.Organisations like IMA and MCI are predominantly pressing the physiotherapy profession and if the same will keep happening  the will declare it as paramedical profession soon.
Some states like Himachal Pradesh and Utrakhand  are already having paramedical status for physiotherapists. Wages in these states are shameful.Physiotherapists are made to work in under wages even below nursing staff. Post graduate Physiotherapists are working under graduate allopaths.
If the same things keep happening.
Physiotherapy is a noble profession in this the patient is touched not only physically but also by emotionally. Healing by touch like Sai Baba and Jesus Christ  is very similar to physiotherapy so it is not only a scientific method but also a spiritual method also.

Indian physio therapists were never united in past all of them were divided on the bases of reason (North Indian south Indian) they were divided on the basis of  languages and leaders. In a country where more than half of the physiotherapist were not registered to association who one can expect that our physio community will grow and organised this way.                                                             
 In 2010 physiotherapists of India seen a (funny)  revolution, a revolution on Facebook.     Though it was on a virtual platform but it has an impact on physio community.                                                   
Leader of that time have lost their path and vision and busy in earning their bread and butter, no one have time to think about profession .                                                                                                     
I need active participation from all friends on this as comments what can be done to revive this noble profession, so that coming generation of physiotherapist  see this as a respected profession.               
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