Sunday, 28 February 2016

Back pain magical exercises

Physiotherapist are having a magic broom to cure your back pain. This magical thing is simple set of five magical back exercises.
These exercises can be done everywhere not necessarily need clinical setups.
1. Knee to chest bending.
2. Both knee to chest.
3. Leg raise to 15 degree
4. spinal rotations exercises
5. Bridging exercises.

Consult your physiotherapist before starting these exercises as in some cases these may be contraindicated.

Top colleges in United Kingdom for physiotherapy.

Physical therapy courses in the UK

 Physical therapy

Physical therapy will provide you help and treat the children, young and old who are suffering from illness, accidents or ageing. All through the use of manual therapy and therapeutic exercises qualified physical therapist will help with spine and joint problems, specifically after operations, rehabilitation following sports injuries, strokes and accidents, while also the very young and old.

Skills like Good communication, motivation, problem solving and being able to work among a large team are key to the success of good physical therapist. Studying physical therapy at a UK university you will learn all this and more. Study Modules can involve the study of the basic principle of healing, repair and movement analysis(biomechanics) in year one.
Patient assessment and management in second year.
 Your final year of study will involve providing an in-depth study on a subject within physical therapy, plus a greater responsibility in clinical reasoning and decision making plus clinical exposure.

Careers in Physical therapy
Most likely physical therapist find work within the NHS England or in the community. Their roles can be undertaken at private practises or companies, and various sports teams or setups. Normally specific roles will see you tend to the elderly, while undertaking orthopaedics, obstetrics, paediatrics and sports medicine as specialisation.
Important entry requirements for Physical therapy?
Generally for international students wishing to study Physical therapy at undergraduate level, an IELTS score of no less than 6.5 across all four categories - reading, writing, speaking and listening – with an overall 7.0 score generally required at most universities.

Top universities to study Physical therapy in the UK?
To learn more about some of the best Physical therapy universities in the UK, please find details internet based search database on the top ten ranking Physical therapy universities:

1. Cardiff University

2. Keele University

3. University of Northumbria

4. University of Nottingham
5. King’s College London
6. Robert Gordon University
7. Oxford Brookes University
8. University of the West of England
9. University of Bradford
10. University of Liverpool.

Wishing you good luck.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Top universities in Australia for physiotherapy and health sciences.

Indian physiotherapists wants to earn a good foreign degrees.
Most of our physiotherapists headed to  US, UK and Australia. My this article is based on study from Internet data to give you deep insight through top rank universities in Australia.

Each university in Australia has different advantages. So choose accordingly.
Firstly top ranking universities is leaded by the University of Sydney, the University of Queensland, and than Monash University.
While taking a look at the percentage of students enrolled in these courses gives a different picture, with the top-ranked universities on the bases of enrolment being the Australian Catholic University, Flinders University, and Notre Dame University.

If we see at the undergraduate level,
Sydney University offers a comprehensive list of courses that would fit into any student's career path in the health sciences.

The courses offered place great importance on practical.

In order to encourage enrolment, the university even offers scholarships for qualified undergraduate students.

1. University of Sydney (usyd)

2.University of Queensland (uq)

3.Monash University (monash)

4. Australian Catholic University (acu)

5. Curtin University of Technology (curtin)

6. La Trobe University (latrobe)

7. Deakin University (deakin)

8. University of Newcastle (newcastle)

9. Queensland University of Technology (qut)

10. University of Western Sydney (uws)

Other than these universities given below names are also of reputed.

Flinders University (flinders)

University of South Australia (unisa)

Griffith University (griffith)

Charles Sturt University (csu)

University of Tasmania (utas)

University of Melbourne (unimelb)

James Cook University (jcu)

Edith Cowan University (ecu)

University of Adelaide (adelaide)

Victoria University (vicuni)

 University of Wollongong (wollongng)

University of New South Wales (unsw)

University of Notre Dame Australia (nd)

University of Technology Sydney (uts)

RMIT University (rmit)

University of the Sunshine Coast (usc)

Gather more and more information before getting admission.
Clearly know everything before getting admission, your best sources are alumni of the institution.
Happy study!😃

University of Western Australia (uwa)

Charles Darwin University (cdu)

Southern Cross University (scu)

Murdoch University (murdoch)

University of Canberra (canberra)

University of Southern Queensland (usq)

Macquarie University (mq)

University of New England (une)

Federation University Australia (feduni)

Australian National University (anu)

Swinburne University of Technology (swinburne)

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Display and visit old medical stuff for cost effectiveness

Display and visit  old medical stuff for cost effectiveness .

In our day to day life we come across various medical stuff which we want to replace due to our needs. Sometime we may need heavy duty machines in replacement of our light version. Most of the doctors want to replace their old machines with new in their new setups.
These machines are in good conditions but still need to be replaced. Some are like new in condition but need to replace with advance for example your x-ray machine may need to replace with digital x-ray machine.
On other hand someone may found your old machines usefull without spending much.
We provide a free of cost platform to sell or buy old medical equipment on physiotherapy.

Happy shopping!


IFT @4500
3years old new in condition.

Dental chair @ RS 30000
7 year old good in condition.

X-ray view box @ RS. 1000 good condition

Clinic bed @ RS. 2700 Ahmadabad.
3 years old

New wheelchair @ RS. 4000 karma fighter
Can be checked for the same.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

An open letter to insecure medical professional who try to defame physiotherapy -Self study

Time to time other fratinities tries to supress our great profession.  Some orthopaedic doctors, yoga instructors and some other insecure professional, they try to defame our profession time to time.

Healthcare sector is suffering from lots of evils but still it is the best profession in this world, but some cheap people try to overshadow our growing field.
The main reason behind this I found is physiotherapy is a care business. Care business is best business in this world. We closely associated with the individual and we have to take care of them. Out patients are our consumer but still they have different feelings for the service providers.

Healthcare professionals are treated differently in society they are considered as distinguished strata of the society still some people act like fools
Touching heàrt is the result of the care we provide to our patients.Life of healthcare professionals is full of challenges and opportunites. Our struggle begins with the entry in to physiotherapy colleges. Those endless nights we spend to study hard analysis hardly the long 5-6 year curriculum and endless exams we clear.the mountain of book be have to study after that we are ready to treat our patients.
Our day to day life is also full of challenges.

Now some of you try to make us feel that we are less in knowledge.
Comparison between two different stream is not logical.
It is my humble request not to defame our noble profession physiotherapy by your cheap activities.

Monday, 8 February 2016

How to register a charitable NGO society or trust.

How to register a charitable NGO society or trust.

Physiotherapist are underpaid in most of the charitable setups. They work for trusts and charitable setups and trustees earn handsome amount of donations for this, as people donate generously as they think trust is paying handsome amount to physiotherapy doctors.
In dearth of knowledge of administration and formation of trust most of us think it as a big deal. So here given below are the simple steps to register your own charitable trust NGO and non profit company so that we can avoid this underpaying situation and also serve the society in better ways.

1. Trust 2. Society, and 3. Non profit Company

In India non profit organizations/ public charitable organizations (NGO) can be registered as trusts, societies, or a private limited non profit company, under section-25 companies. Non-profit organizations in India (a) exist independently of the state; (b) are self-governed by a board of trustees or ‘managing committee’/ governing council, comprising individuals who generally serve in a fiduciary capacity; (c) produce benefits for others, generally outside the membership of the organization; and (d), are ‘non-profit-making’, in as much as they are prohibited from distributing a monetary residual to their own members.

Section 2(15) of the Income Tax Act – which is applicable uniformly throughout the Republic of India – defines ‘charitable purpose’ to include ‘relief of the poor, education, medical relief and the advancement of any other object of general public utility’. A purpose that relates exclusively to religious teaching or worship is not considered as charitable. Thus, in ascertaining whether a purpose is public or private, one has to see if the class to be benefited, or from which the beneficiaries are to be selected, constitute a substantial body of the public. A public charitable purpose has to benefit a sufficiently large section of the public as distinguished from specified individuals. Organizations which lack the public element – such as trusts for the benefit of workmen or employees of a company, however numerous – have not been held to be charitable. As long as the beneficiaries of the organization comprise an uncertain and fluctuating body of the public answering a particular description, the fact that the beneficiaries may belong to a certain religious faith, or a sect of persons of a certain religious persuasion, would not affect the organization’s ‘public’ character.

Whether a trust, society or section-8 company (previous section 25),the Income Tax Act gives all categories equal treatment, in terms of exempting their income and granting 80G certificates, whereby donors to non-profit organizations may claim a rebate against donations made. Foreign contributions to non-profits are governed by FC(R)A regulations and the Home Ministry.
CAF would like to clarify that this material provides only broad guidelines and it is recommended that legal and or financial experts be consulted before taking any important legal or financial decision or arriving at any conclusion.

Formation and Registration of a Non -Profit organizations in India
1) Trust
2) Society
3) Section-8 Company (previous section 25)
Additional Licensing/ Registration

I. Trusts Registration
A public charitable trust is usually floated when there is property involved, especially in terms of land and building.

Legislation : Different states in India have different Trusts Acts in force, which govern the trusts in the state; in the absence of a Trusts Act in any particular state or territory the general principles of the Indian Trusts Act 1882 are applied.

Main Instrument : The main instrument of any public charitable trust is the trust deed, wherein the aims and objects and mode of management (of the trust) should be enshrined. In every trust deed, the minimum and maximum number of trustees has to be specified. The trust deed should clearly spell out the aims and objects of the trust, how the trust should be managed, how other trustees may be appointed or removed, etc. The trust deed should be signed by both the settlor/s and trustee/s in the presence of two witnesses. The trust deed should be executed on non-judicial stamp paper, the value of which would depend on the valuation of the trust property.
Trustees : A trust needs a minimum of two trustees; there is no upper limit to the number of trustees. The Board of Management comprises the trustees.

Application for Registration :
The application for registration should be made to the official having jurisdiction over the region in which the trust is sought to be registered.

After providing details (in the form) regarding designation by which the public trust shall be known, names of trustees, mode of succession, etc., the applicant has to affix a court fee to the form and pay a registration fee which may range differently, depending on the location and value of the trust office and trust property.

The application form should be signed by the applicant before the registrar, sub-registrar, deputy registrar, regional officer or superintendent of the regional office of the charity commissioner or authorized registrar. The application form should be submitted, together with a copy of the trust deed.

Two other documents which should be submitted at the time of making an application for registration are affidavit and consent letter.

II. Society Registration
According to section 20 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860, the following societies can be registered under the Act: ‘charitable societies, military orphan funds or societies established at the several presidencies of India, societies established for the promotion of science, literature, or the fine arts, for instruction, the diffusion of useful knowledge, the diffusion of political education, the foundation or maintenance of libraries or reading rooms for general use among the members or open to the public, or public museums and galleries of paintings and other works of art, collection of natural history, mechanical and philosophical inventions, instruments or designs.’

Legislation : Societies are registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, which is a federal act. In certain states, which have a charity commissioner, the society must not only be registered under the Societies Registration Act, but also, additionally, under the Bombay Public Trusts Act.
Main Instrument : The main instrument of any society is the memorandum of association and rules and regulations (no stamp paper required), wherein the aims and objects and mode of management (of the society) should be enshrined.

Trustees : A Society needs a minimum of seven managing committee members; there is no upper limit to the number managing committee members. The Board of Management is in the form of a governing body or council or a managing or executive committee

Application for Registration :
Registration can be done either at the state level (i.e., in the office of the Registrar of Societies) or at the district level (in the office of the District Magistrate or the local office of the Registrar of Societies).


The procedure varies from state to state. However generally the application should be submitted together with: (a) memorandum of association and rules and regulations; (b) consent letters of all the members of the managing committee; (c) authority letter duly signed by all the members of the managing committee; (d) an affidavit sworn by the president or secretary of the society on non-judicial stamp paper, together with a court fee stamp; and (e) a declaration by the members of the managing committee that the funds of the society will be used only for the purpose of furthering the aims and objects of the society.

All the aforesaid documents which are required for the application for registration should be submitted in duplicate, together with the required registration fee. Unlike the trust deed, the memorandum of association and rules and regulations need not be executed on stamp paper.

III. Section-8 Company - (Old Section-25)
According to Section-8 of Indian Companies Act, 1956 (Old section 25(1)(a) and (b) of the Indian Companies Act, 1956, a section-25) a section 8 company can be established ‘for promoting commerce, art, science, religion, charity or any other useful object’, provided the profits, if any, or other income is applied for promoting only the objects of the company and no dividend is paid to its members.

Legislation : Section-8 companies are registered under section 8 of Indian Companies Act 2013 (old section-25 of the Indian Companies Act, 1956).

Main Instrument : For a section-8 company, the main instrument is a Memorandum and articles of association (no stamp paper required)

Board Members : A section-8 Company needs a minimum of three members; there is no upper limit to the number of members. The Board of Management is in the form of a Board of directors or managing committee.

Application for Registration :
1.An application has to be made for availability of name to the registrar of companies, which must be made in the prescribed form no. 1A, together with a fee. It is advisable to suggest a choice of three other names by which the company will be called, in case the first name which is proposed is not found acceptable by the registrar.

2.Once the availability of name is confirmed, an application should be made in writing to the regional director of the company law board. The application should be accompanied by the following documents:
Three printed or typewritten copies of the memorandum and articles of association of the proposed company, duly signed by all the promoters with full name, address and occupation.

A declaration by an advocate or a chartered accountant that the memorandum and articles of association have been drawn up in conformity with the provisions of the Act and that all the requirements of the Act and the rules made thereunder have been duly complied with, in respect of registration or matters incidental or supplementary thereto.

Three copies of a list of the names, addresses and occupations of the promoters (and where a firm is a promoter, of each partner in the firm), as well as of the members of the proposed board of directors, together with the names of companies, associations and other institutions in which such promoters, partners and members of the proposed board of directors are directors or hold responsible positions, if any, with description of the positions so held.

A statement showing in detail the assets (with the estimated values thereof) and the liabilities of the association, as on the date of the application or within seven days of that date.
An estimate of the future annual income and expenditure of the proposed company, specifying the sources of the income and the objects of the expenditure.

A statement giving a brief description of the work, if any, already done by the association and of the work proposed to be done by it after registration, in pursuance of section-8.

A statement specifying briefly the grounds on which the application is made.

A declaration by each of the persons making the application that he/she is of sound mind, not an undischarged insolvent, not convicted by a court for any offence and does not stand disqualified under section 203 of the Companies Act 1956, for appointment as a director.

3.The applicants must also furnish to the registrar of companies (of the state in which the registered office of the proposed company is to be, or is situate) a copy of the application and each of the other documents that had been filed before the regional director of the company law board.

4.The applicants should also, within a week from the date of making the application to the regional director of the company law board, publish a notice in the prescribed manner at least once in a newspaper in a principal language of the district in which the registered office of the proposed company is to be situated or is situated and circulating in that district, and at least once in an English newspaper circulating in that district.

5.The regional director may, after considering the objections, if any, received within 30 days from the date of publication of the notice in the newspapers, and after consulting any authority, department or ministry, as he may, in his discretion, decide, determine whether the licence should or should not be granted.

6.The regional director may also direct the company to insert in its memorandum, or in its articles, or in both, such conditions of the licence as may be specified by him in this behalf.

Non Profit Company under Section 8 of Indian Companies Act 2013

IV. Special Licensing
In addition to registration, a non-profit engaged in certain activities might also require special license/permission. Some of these include (but are not limited to):

A place of work in a restricted area (like a tribal area or a border area requires a special permit – the Inner Line Permit – usually issues either by the Ministry of Home Affairs or by the relevant local authority (i.e., district magistrate).

To open an office and employ people, the NGO should be registered under the Shop and Establishment Act.

To employ foreign staff, an Indian non-profit needs to be registered as a trust/society/company, have FCRA registration and also obtain a No Objection Certificate. The intended employee also needs a work visa.

A foreign non-profit setting up an office in India and wanting staff from abroad needs to be registered as a trust/society/company, needs permission from the Reserve Bank of India and also a No Objection Certificate from the Ministry of External Affairs.
If still you are facing problem and not clear about the process  you can reach directly to in the office of the District Magistrate or the local office of the Registrar of Societies.
Some private firms also provide assistance in this process. Online assistance is also available from Internet.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

What nails tell about our health

Nail disease and disorder.
Did you know that your fingernails can provide clues to your overall health?

For example, ice pick-like depressions in the nails (nail pitting) are common in people who have psoriasis — a condition characterized by scaly patches on the skin. Nail pitting can also be related to connective tissue disorders, such as Reiter's syndrome, and alopecia areata — an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss.
Nail clubbing occurs when the tips of the fingers enlarge and the nails curve around the fingertips, usually over the course of years.

Nail clubbing is sometimes the result of low oxygen in the blood and could be a sign of various types of lung disease. Nail clubbing is also associated with inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease, liver disease and AIDS.
Spoon nails (koilonychia) are soft nails that look scooped out. The depression usually is large enough to hold a drop of liquid.

Often, spoon nails are a sign of iron deficiency anemia or a liver condition known as hemochromatosis, in which your body absorbs too much iron from the food you eat. Spoon nails can also be associated with heart disease and hypothyroidism.
With the condition known as Terry's nails, most of the nails appear white except for a narrow pink band at the tip.

Terry's nails can sometimes be attributed to aging. In other cases, Terry's nails can be a sign of a serious underlying condition, such as liver disease, congestive heart failure, kidney failure or diabetes.
With a condition known as onycholysis, the fingernails become loose and can separate from the nail bed. The separated part of the nail becomes opaque with a white, yellow or green tinge.

Sometimes detached nails are associated with injury or infection. In other cases nail separation is a reaction to a particular drug or consumer product, such as nail hardeners or adhesives. Thyroid disease and psoriasis — a condition characterized by scaly patches on the skin — also can cause nail separation.

With yellow nail syndrome, nails thicken and new growth slows. This results in a yellowish discoloration of the nails.

Nails affected by yellow nail syndrome might lack a cuticle and detach from the nail bed in places. Yellow nail syndrome is often a sign of respiratory disease, such as chronic bronchitis. Yellow nail syndrome can also be related to swelling of the hands (lymphedema).

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

How to use nebulizer.

How to use nebulizer.
Now a days asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis, or another lung disease are very common, your doctor generally prescribed medicine that you need to take using a nebulizer.
This article will help you to understand the basic use of nebulizer machine. It is very simple to use but please read the instructions manual carefully before using nebulizer.
What is a nebulizer?
A nebulizer is a small machine that turns liquid medicine into a mist.
You sit with the machine and breathe in through a connected mouthpiece. Medicine goes into your lungs as you take slow, deep breaths for 10 to 12 minutes. It is easy and pleasant to breathe the medicine into your lungs this way.

If you have asthma, you may not need to use a nebulizer. You may use an inhaler instead, which is usually just as effective. But a nebulizer can deliver medicine with less effort than an inhaler.
Your doctor can decide if a nebulizer is the best way to get the medicine you need. The choice of device may be based on whether you find a nebulizer easier to use and what type of medicine you take.

Most nebulizers are small, so they are easy to transport. Most nebulizers also work by using air compressors.
A different kind, called an ultrasonic nebulizer, uses sound vibrations. This kind of nebulizer is quieter, but costs more money.

Take the time to keep your nebulizer clean so that it continues to work properly.

The basic steps to set up and use your nebulizer are as follows:

1. Connect the hose to an air compressor unit.

2. Fill the medicine cup with your prescription. To avoid spills, close the medicine cup tightly and always hold the mouthpiece straight up and down.

3. Attach the hose and mouthpiece to the medicine cup.

4. Place the mouthpiece in your mouth. Keep your lips firm around the mouthpiece so that all of the medicine goes into your lungs.

5. Breathe through your mouth until all the medicine is used. This takes 10 to 12 minutes. If needed, use a nose clip so that you breathe only through your mouth.
Small children usually do better if they wear a mask.

6. Turn off the machine when done.

7. Wash the medicine cup and mouthpiece with water and air dry until your next treatment.
Always read instructions manual of the product and follow your doctor.

The Most Boring Subject in BPT: A Necessary Evil?

  The Most Boring Subject in BPT: A Necessary Evil? Physiotherapy is an exciting field filled with hands-on learning, patient interaction, ...