Sunday, 21 February 2016

Display and visit old medical stuff for cost effectiveness

Display and visit  old medical stuff for cost effectiveness .

In our day to day life we come across various medical stuff which we want to replace due to our needs. Sometime we may need heavy duty machines in replacement of our light version. Most of the doctors want to replace their old machines with new in their new setups.
These machines are in good conditions but still need to be replaced. Some are like new in condition but need to replace with advance for example your x-ray machine may need to replace with digital x-ray machine.
On other hand someone may found your old machines usefull without spending much.
We provide a free of cost platform to sell or buy old medical equipment on physiotherapy.

Happy shopping!


IFT @4500
3years old new in condition.

Dental chair @ RS 30000
7 year old good in condition.

X-ray view box @ RS. 1000 good condition

Clinic bed @ RS. 2700 Ahmadabad.
3 years old

New wheelchair @ RS. 4000 karma fighter
Can be checked for the same.

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