Saturday, 14 May 2016

Do IAP need membership of WCPT

WCPT (World Confederation for Physiotherapy/ physical therapy )

World Confederation for Physiotherapy/ physical therapy (WCPT) is the only international organisation for physiotherapy or physical therapy, representing more than 350,000 physiotherapists or physical therapists worldwide through its 111 member organisations/ associations.

The confederation WCPT operates as a non-profit organisation and is registered as a charity in the united kingdom.
History of confederation:

In 1951 the World Confederation for Physical Therapy had 11 founding member organisations from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, West Germany, Sweden and the United States of America.
The first international Congress and Second General Meeting were held in London in 1953, where the first executive committee was elected.
In first ten years membership increased to 16 organisations, even though WCPT had no regular income and depended on voluntary donations from its member organisations and occasional grants from other international bodies.
The confederation consolidated its international position by attaining consultative status with the United Nations and official relationship with the World Health Organization.
In 1991, the Confederation established five Regions with autonomous regional committees to encourage frequent contact among members with similar cultural, economic and social outlook.
1995 general meeting, a range of declarations of principle and position statements were adopted for the first time, providing member organisations with foundation policy guidance about practice, education and research.

WCPT has held 15 world congresses since its establishment, held every four years.
World Physical Therapy Day, established by WCPT in 1996, has grown in popularity and influence. Every year physical therapy organisations all around the world organise campaigns and events to celebrate and publicise the role of physical therapists. So in nut shell WCPT is the backbone of the noble profession physiotherapy and we should proud of it.
Irony with country like our is we don’t have subscription to this confederation, as our association in India don’t have time to handle their internal disputes and got registered in world forum like  WCPT.
I hope our leaders unit one day and again attain membership subscription from WCPT.

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