Wednesday, 25 May 2016

How to judge a good or bad physiotherapy clinic?

How to judge a  good or bad physiotherapy clinic?

Standard clinics vr low standards clinics.

Physiotherapy is the branch of modern medicine that deals with the diseases and disorders by physical/mobilities.
It is not merely application of physical modalities, but includes screening, evaluation, assessment, planning and application, re-assessment, modification of treatment plan for preventing, alleviating and limiting acute and chronic movement dysfunction and physical disabilities. Physiotherapy also known as physicaltherapy promotes physical fitness, facilitates healing alleviation of pain by modulating physiological responses using physical agents like heat, cold, electricity, exercises and manipulation. In India especially in metro cities and two tiers cities physiotherapy clinics are growing at faster pace. In this race some people are running sub standard clinics without proper facilities. So next time if you visits a physiotherapy clinic check given below list to decide if the clinic is standard one or not?

I will divide the total facilities, utilities and equipments in to two categories one is essential and second is optional:


1. Name of Consultant(s)

2. Fire Extinguisher

3. Display of service provided & Charges

4. Drinking Water facility

5. Registration of the patients

6. Waiting area

7. Backup Electricity

8. Hand wash facility

9. Examination/Treatment tables for patient

10. Torch

11. Bio Medical Waste management

12. Thermometer

13. Weighing machine

14. BP apparatus
15. Electrotherapy Equipment/ Modalities :
a) Short Wave Diathermy

b) Ultrasonic Therapy
Ultrasonic therapy

c) Interferential Therapy


d) Hot Packs

e) Wax Bath


g) Traction Unit (Cervical / Lumbar)

Traction unit

h) Muscle Stimulator

16. Exercise therapy Equipment/ Modalities

a) Cold Packs

b) Shoulder Wheel

c) Over Head PuIIey

d) Wall Ladder /Abduction Ladder

e) Weight Cuffs / WTherapy


l. Electrotherapy Equipment/ Modalities

a) Micro Wave Diathermy

b) LASER Therapy

 c) Muscle Stimulator Electro-diagnostic

2. Exercise therapy Equipments/ Modalities

a) Cryo Cuff Unit

b) Continuous Passive Motion Exerciser

c) Supinator Pronator Exerciser

d) Heel / Ankle Exerciser

e) Tilt Board

f) Parallel Bar

Parallel bar

g) Mat Exercise Facility

h) Suspension Therapy Unit

 i) Stationary Bicycle

j) Treadmill

k) Vibrator

I) Swiss Ball

m) Rowing Frame Exerciser

n) Gripper / Gel Balls

o) Graded Elastic Exercise Bands

p) Quadriceps Table

Quadriceps table


Noise Pollution Certificate and

Air pollution certification are also need to be their. So next time you visit to a PHYSIOTHERAPIST keep your eyes open and ask for all modalities.

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