Sunday, 5 June 2016

How to use crutches

Crutches and how to do crutch walking

In present scenario where life is fast moving we came across multiple traumas most common injuries are traffic accident related and the body part most effected is leg or foot. Commonly crutches are advised in these injuries, so Crutches are supports that help you walk when you have an injured leg or foot.

How to use?

Walking with crutches:-

First, hold the grips of your crutches, then bring the crutches forward evenly, keeping your injured leg off the ground. Lean forward, putting your weight on the grips. Swing your good leg forward, placing your foot just in front of the crutches. Again repeat the same for next move.
Warning:- never rest your armpits on your crutches. Body weight pressure on the armpits can cause damage to nerve complex that pass through your armpits.
In some cases your doctor may allow you to put some weight on your injured leg while you are using crutches, but make sure you always follow your doctor.

How to getting up from a chair, wheelchair and bed:-
Good quality crutches from

First of all never forgot to lock your wheel chair.
Use the hand on the side of your injured leg, hold both crutches together by the grips. Use your other hand to push up from the chair or bed same time you also push up on the crutches. Stand on your good leg. Make your balance and bring your crutches into position on each side before you start to walk. Wait for a while only after confidant standing you have to start walking.

Sitting down:-

Use the hand on the side of your injured leg, hold both crutches together by the grips. Hold onto the chair or bed with the other hand and lower yourself slowly.


Going up stairs:-

Get close to the stairs. Step up with the good leg. Then bring the crutches and the injured leg up to the same step. Repeat for each step.

Going down stairs:-

First bring the crutches and the injured leg down to the lower step. Then step down with the good leg. Repeat for each step.

Always remember: "Up with the good, down with the bad."


1. Be careful not to slip on water.

2. Your crutches may rub against the skin between your arms and chest. You may want to use good body lotion or talcum powder to prevent skin rashes.

3. If your hands get paining or tired, please put extra padding on the crutch grips.

4. If you feel continuous pressure on your armpits even using the crutches correctly, the crutches are too long and need to be shortened.

5. Always look for the grounds on which you are walking. Avoid obstacles if any.

6. Change your stick furale or base rubber on damage.

7. Select crutches according to your weight.

Always consult a rehabilitation specialist if you are using crutches, my personal favourite is a physical therapist also known as physiotherapist.
They are most eligible to prescribe and train you for crutches.

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