Saturday, 30 July 2016

Personality development for physiotherapists

New Delhi 7/30/2016 eve.

While writing this topic I was thinking of its utility. Personality development is very important step toward a successful career. Pleasant personality is the only personality which is best suited on physiotherapy doctors.

I have heard somewhere that for Polio patient physiotherapists can do what else God can.
So be kind generous, genuine and professional towards your patients.
Physiotherapy and personality development

1.        Caring Physiotherapist:

Our prime role is to cure with care. Patient we treats are mostly injured stressed, in pain and invalid. Learn to love your patients.
Try to listen them.
In general life many bad personalities develop because people don’t want to forgive each other and find themselves overwhelmed with hate and anger. Try to find love for everyone.
Enhance your Knowledge to that extent where you know each and every bits and pieces of the subject.

2.       Be patient toward your patients physiotherapist:

 In our career we come across various ailments in patients which take long time to get back to normal functioning. If patient is not healing fast don’t blame yourself neither your patient. Heeling requires optimum condition and time so we have to be more patient with chronic ailments sufferer.

3.       Happy and lighthearted Physiotherapist:

 As a physiotherapist daily we have to meet the persons who are suffering from various ailments and grief. So we should present ourselves are lighthearted and calm. For this we have to prepare our self first so always try to see the joy in the world. Try to make other laugh, laugh with others, but not at them. Everyone appreciates someone who is jolly and jovial.
Smiling and laughing a lot is a huge part of having a good personality and this should be a part of good physiotherapist.

Never try to show your patient your anger or harsh words with them.
Be empathic to your patient.
Always take special care while talking to disabled patient; you never know which word may hurt them, even if it is not your intension.

4.       Develop a Good Personality to become a Good therapist:

Never let your tension to be shown on your face, try to stay calm in tense situations. Patients are having you only as ray of hope.  You may have a good personality until you are not in an emergency or tense situation so treat intense situations as an exam for you to be tested. Don’t lose your cool in any situation.
If you got trapped in a tense situation, try to remain calm and relaxed and see what you can do to resolve the situation. Some time if we remain calm and patient the problem itself shows us the solution.
Always keep your mind clear and start developing a plan to resolve the problem don’t waste your precious time on loosing calm and screaming all the time.

5.        Open minded person and fight back Physiotherapist:

One part about having a good personality is being willing to change your worldview towards a situation. Listen to others and always be willing to change your mind in sight of your medical knowledge.
 Don’t pass judgment on other people just because they act in a different way than you do especially orthopedic doctor and neurologists. Keeping an open mind will allow you to make many new friends and probably live a much more interesting life and widen up your perspective of knowledge.
Always be kind and generous toward nursing staff and supporting staff at your work place.
Don’t worst of your medical knowledge and try to defame other professional.
Try to understand the concept of holistic healthcare.
Never ever hesitate to take help from other professionals and second view.

6.       Modest Physiotherapist:

I have read  somewhere you could be the most talented, extraordinary person in the world, but if you don’t have any modesty than you probably won’t have a good personality results in to a bad doctor.

 Always keep yourself high but balanced. Nobody likes a big ego. Good physiotherapist should have balanced personality.

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

Friday, 22 July 2016

Barré-Lieou syndrome

Barré-Lieou syndrome

Barré-Lieou syndrome or Cervicocranial_Syndrome was discovered by and named after Jean Alexandre Barre, M.D., a French neurologist, and Yong-Choen Lieou, a Chinese physician. Each discovered the syndrome independently and described a very wide range of symptoms thought to be due to a dysfunction of the group of nerves called the posterior cervical sympathetic nervous system, located near the vertebrae in the neck. Therefore, this condition is often better known as cervicocranial syndrome and posterior cervical sympathetic syndrome.

Colour MRI

How does Barré-Lieou  Cervicocranial Syndrome develop?

Barré-Liéou  Cervicocranial syndrome is due to vertebral instability, which affects the function of the nerve cell aggregations located in the neck just in front of the vertebrae. Vertebral instability or misalignment occurs because the ligaments that support the neck become weakened or injured. This is what occurs in the commonly known whiplash injury.
This is to note that not only do neck and headache pain occur with whiplash injury, but also the signs and symptoms of Barré-Lieou syndrome.

This condition also may develop in people who spend a good portion of their day hunched over while working.
Any activity that precipitates the head forward position and puts the cervical vertebral ligaments in a stretched position will cause the ligaments to weaken over time.
The ligament laxity causes an even more head forward position as the ligaments can no longer keep the cervical vertebrae in their proper posterior alignment. Neck pain results and the cycle repeats itself.

What are the symptoms of Barré-Lieou and cervicocranial syndrome?

barre-lieou syndrome Symptoms that characterise Barré-Lieou   cervicocranial syndrome are
 1. headache,
2. facial pain,
3. ear pain, 4. vertigo,
5.  tinnitus,
6. loss of voice,
8. neck pain,
9.severe fatigue,
10. muscle weakness,
11. sinus congestion,
12. a sense of the eyeball being pulled out,

Other symptoms may include:

a pins-and-needles sensation of the hands and forearms,
corneal sensitivity,
dental pain,
lacrimation (tearing of the eyes),
blurred vision,
facial numbness,
shoulder pain,
swelling on one side of the face,
nausea, vomiting.

Hands On Techniques by physiotherapists can help allievate and treat this Syndrome.
Contact you nearest physiotherapist.

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Oath of a Physiotherapist

Oath of a Physiotherapist:
As a Physiotherapist dedicated to providing the highest quality care and services, I solemnly pledge I will:
Respect the rights and dignity of all individuals who seek my services or with whom I work;
act in a compassionate and trustworthy manner in all aspects of my services.

Exercise sound professional judgment while abiding by legal and ethical requirements.
Demonstrate integrity during interactions with colleagues, other health care providers, students, faculty, researchers, the public, and payers for the enhancement of patient care and the advancement of the profession;
Enhance my practice through life-long acquisition and application of knowledge, skills and professional behavior.
Participate in efforts to meet physical therapy and health care needs of local, national, and global communities,
Thus, with this oath, I accept the duties and responsibilities that embody the physiotherapy profession.

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

Friday, 8 July 2016

After Golfer 's and Tennis elbow now Selfie elbow is new medical condition

After Golfer 's and Tennis elbow now treat Selfie elbow

This is the world of technology, we all like to have selfie with our smartphones in different poses, be aware taking selfie in excess may leads to selfie elbow.

 If you are selfie addicts and taking 40-50 selfies in a day it may cause selfie elbow. Like Tennis elbow or golfers elbow the addiction of taking selfie may leads you to the Physiotherapy doctor. Selfie elbow like Tennis elbow and Golfer elbow is also due to overuse of a particular group of muscles. It is just because of repetitive nature of use like in tendonitis and carpal tunnel Syndrome. Over use and repetitive tasks like typing have same consequences. Addiction to taking selfie specially taking selfie with same arm can cause in same arm.

 Cause: Overuse, if you put continuous too much stress on muscle and it irritate the area where the muscle comes off the bone and you get this inflammatory response to that point. Selfie elbow may imitate the nature of Tennis or Golfer’s elbow symptoms. Raising the arm and clicking the snap repetitively may irritate the soft tissue structures very frequently.

 Home remedy: if you have irritation in area around elbow after taking too much selfies you can try icing. Simply wrap an ice cube in your hanky and rub for 3-5 minute around the effective area. If pain and irritation persists meet your physiotherapist he will give you RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) , electrotherapy treatment along with certain exercise.

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

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