Friday, 8 July 2016

After Golfer 's and Tennis elbow now Selfie elbow is new medical condition

After Golfer 's and Tennis elbow now treat Selfie elbow

This is the world of technology, we all like to have selfie with our smartphones in different poses, be aware taking selfie in excess may leads to selfie elbow.

 If you are selfie addicts and taking 40-50 selfies in a day it may cause selfie elbow. Like Tennis elbow or golfers elbow the addiction of taking selfie may leads you to the Physiotherapy doctor. Selfie elbow like Tennis elbow and Golfer elbow is also due to overuse of a particular group of muscles. It is just because of repetitive nature of use like in tendonitis and carpal tunnel Syndrome. Over use and repetitive tasks like typing have same consequences. Addiction to taking selfie specially taking selfie with same arm can cause in same arm.

 Cause: Overuse, if you put continuous too much stress on muscle and it irritate the area where the muscle comes off the bone and you get this inflammatory response to that point. Selfie elbow may imitate the nature of Tennis or Golfer’s elbow symptoms. Raising the arm and clicking the snap repetitively may irritate the soft tissue structures very frequently.

 Home remedy: if you have irritation in area around elbow after taking too much selfies you can try icing. Simply wrap an ice cube in your hanky and rub for 3-5 minute around the effective area. If pain and irritation persists meet your physiotherapist he will give you RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) , electrotherapy treatment along with certain exercise.

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