Saturday, 20 August 2016

Top 20 reasons to date a physiotherapist

You must have listen to this in India that a physio should never marry a Physio (Physio ko physio se shaadi nahi karni chahiye.

Being a physiotherapist and having a physiotherapist life partner with whom I am dating since my college days gives me thousands of reasons to tell, why you should date a physiotherapist.

I am going to tell you top 20 reasons to date a physiotherapist.

Physiotherapists are cute lovely charming, passionate, dashing, disciplined and hard-working medical professionals.
 Your life becomes full of happiness and excitement if they entered into your life.

1. Caring loving person in your life:
 Physiotherapists are very caring and loving healthcare professionals they are filled with love and care, so if a physiotherapist is in your life clearly means your life is going to be full of bliss and love.

2. Physiotherapists are healthcare professionals who can take care of most of your ailments:

In today's world everyone is suffering from joint pains, back pains, unhealthy lifestyle and posture related diseases. If you are dating a physiotherapist, no reason is there that you will suffer from these stuffs. If any they will help you to stay away from these conditions.

Time to time your lover will alert you about your posture, lifestyle, habits and can give you relief in suffering.

3. Dating a physiotherapist can help your parents:
 Age related degenerative changes starts at 40 plus age, if you are dating a physiotherapist in your 20s that time your parents are in their 40s or 50s, so your dating partner physiotherapist will surly help your parents in these ailments prevention and cure so it is easy to introduce your dating partner to your family and chances are quite higher for their acceptance in family.

4. Physiotherapists have more patience:
Physiotherapists take care and treat patients who takes more time to heal and to come back to normal life so they develop a sense of patience in them, they won't get irritated easily.
If you are dating a physiotherapist you have more chances to get a lovely and charming partner who don't get irritated easily.

Two quotes are famous for physiotherapists:

A. All cute, charming and beautiful girls are not actresses some of them are physiotherapists.

B. All Handsome and tough guys are not hero some of them are physiotherapists.

6.  Physios are good listeners:

 Patients complain to them all the time about their pain and other problems.

7. Disciplined and regular:
Physiotherapists provide continue medical treatments to their patients they want a regular and disciplined patient to have good results, in order to this they also develops a habit of self-discipline. If you are dating a physiotherapist chances are there that you will also got induced with their good habits.

8. Attractive: 

Physios are usually fit n fine, athletic, and sporty. Which make them very attractive.
It is for sure that if your dating partner is a physiotherapist everyone will going to jealous with you!

9. PTs are compassionate:
Physical therapy is a noble profession: They really care about their patients.
It is a fact Nurses graduating with a bachelor of science sometimes make more than PTs graduating with a doctorate. Physical Therapists do what they do because they want to help people get better.

10. Physios are well educated:
Almost all physical therapists in the world are graduate with a Bachelor, masters or a doctorate degree now.

11. They tell simple and great exercises:
though they are probably sick of people asking them for exercises in family and relative circle. Date a physio and stay fit.

Don't ask exercises

12. Smartness overloaded:

In order to become licensed, they take a ridiculously hard board exam called the NPTE. Their curriculum rival that of medical doctors. Sometimes, physical therapists are smarter than medical doctors and have better bedside manners, hands down.

13. Availability:

Physiotherapist will be available for you, they don’t work crazy hours or odd shifts, normally just the standard nine to five timings they serve in hospitals mostly.

14. Physiotherapists are logical:
They’re logical, practical, and objective because they have habit to work on evidence-based practice.

15. Financially sound:
Physiotherapist are financial sound as they don’t have ridiculous study loans to repay. Their schooling is shorter than allopathy doctors.

16. Cool and calm:
Physiotherapists are trained not to go under stress easily. They make patients feel better and see results at almost every treatment session. They find their happiness in patient’s happiness if someone have such a lovely and great heart you can think how much love your dating partner can give you.

17. Great Patience:
They deal with silly requests from other clinicians specially orthopedics all the time. Even some patient also so irritating but physiotherapists handle them all. Physio patients are generally take treatments for long time so physios have to show great patience in their work.

18. Physiotherapists are great in chitchatting and chirping:
 To be a good therapist, you have to know how establish good rapport with patients so you are trained in your medical school how to communicate effectively with your patients, so if you are in the relation with a physiotherapist you can imagine how much they can share with you so improve your listening power.

19. Creative Ideas:
they are very creative so they take you on creative dates. Physios are always thinking of creative ways to treat their patients. Their innovations and creativity can change your life.

20. Caring :
Physio will take care of you, keep you healthy, fit, and treat you when you get hurt. All sports injuries of yours can be treated by your dating partner. It is a surety that you can’t go wrong with dating a physical therapist.

Physio  can take you in and out of the bed! Let’s date a Physio!

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

It is Olympic-when government will understand the importance of physiotherapy

It is Olympic-when government will understand the importance of physiotherapy?

Dipa karmakar is in final now but she was with injury which can be prevented if her physio accompany her throughout the event.

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

Monday, 8 August 2016

Which team do you think will be the best team for Indian physiotherapists

Old document-filled with simplicity and dedication!

We need a honest and sincere team for IAP which can lead the physiotherapy. Thus only we can achieve the due respect and status of this noble profession.
We had history of decades serving as eternal part of healthcare system in India . We serve from primary care to tertiary care . Still we are ignored by system we are unable to achieve what we are deserve.
Physiotherapists worked hard in all spheres of healthcare system but still not making it up to epitome.
On introspection i come to know that we are lacking somewhere in communication, ego also a hurdle,"why me"attitude is also one factor to stop our growth as physiotherapy community.

Poor leadership in the past and lack of interest also seen in elected leadership.
I know there is no point to put these things here s summery but till the time we dont know our weaknesses we cant make correction and improvements to it.
Lets Unite once again and sum up our positives (strength of millions of physios).

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Pharmaceutical companies versus physiotherapy

Pharmaceutical companies versus physiotherapy 

In many conditions like arthritis where patients can be more benefited from physiotherapy and various modalities of physiotherapy, i seen number of patient taking Non steroid anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and other pain killer. Pharmaceutical companies saw money in it but i personally don't blame them as the proscribing doctors are also equally responsible to it.

 As said by Willium Osler father of modern medicine One of the first duties of a physician is to educate the masses not to take the medicine.

Physiotherapy vs Pharmaceutical bazar

A big billion dollars business  of pharmaceutical companies and Allopathy doctors are going on in which they both profited and patient is in loss.

Some diseases can be cure only with a little modification in daily routines exercises and diet modification but still patients are made to  undergoes various  blood tests and costly radio imaging.
Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food", are the words of father of medicine Hippocrates.

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

Monday, 1 August 2016

Future of Pokemon Go in Physical therapy

Future of "Pokemon Go" in Physical therapy

Everywhere we are listening about Pokemon go  all are crazy about this wonderful game it is a game where human and machine interface are uniting.

Pokemon 'go'

In this game different types of Pokemon will appear at different places like on a road, streets, or at a park.  In game aspects such as pokestops require players to physically move to them on the map if they wish to catch diverse Pokemons and pick up items like pokeballs that will help them play the game.

It utilizes GPS navigation from your gadgets.

We have to collect all the Pokemons. One fellow from US claimed that he got success in collecting all the Pokemons of the game available in his states territory .

 Adding to this, in-game Pokemon eggs will only hatch if one walks the required distance.  As a result, players are being compelled to get off the couch and go on Pokemon hunting journeys.
Pokemon Go addictions are hitting the roof with some players staying up all night to catch nocturnal Pokemon and drivers stopping in the middle of a highway to catch one nearby to them.

Pokemon Go makers boast a positive side effect for users a major increase in daily physical activity levels.  Many people who were inactive, lazy and lacked physical activity are now finding themselves walking for hours every day to search for new Pokemons. 

Many people are reacting through social media some have claimed to name their exercise plan to  “Pokemon go workout.”  Some trainers come forward to develop exercises plan resembling to the game. 

What Physical therapist can do?
Physical therapists can utilize the game for strength endurance training
Game is also useful to motivate the invalid patients specially to motivate the kids.
We can mix in a strength training component according to the item that a patient picks up. 
Let’s take one example, if he receives regular poke balls, he will do red (Light) therabands.  If the item is a revive or a potion, he will do heavy therabands like green or black. It’s just an example we can make a use of this in many creative manners. It may prove a beneficial method and research topic combine the benefits of exercising and play a game on gadget same time.

Pokemon go can be utilize in:

Establishing motor coordination
Strength endurance  and balance training
Walking motivation
Improve concentration
Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation

Pokemon go could evolve in to a next form of exercise, not wonder if it will be included in university courses also in near future.

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

The Most Boring Subject in BPT: A Necessary Evil?

  The Most Boring Subject in BPT: A Necessary Evil? Physiotherapy is an exciting field filled with hands-on learning, patient interaction, ...