Monday, 1 August 2016

Future of Pokemon Go in Physical therapy

Future of "Pokemon Go" in Physical therapy

Everywhere we are listening about Pokemon go  all are crazy about this wonderful game it is a game where human and machine interface are uniting.

Pokemon 'go'

In this game different types of Pokemon will appear at different places like on a road, streets, or at a park.  In game aspects such as pokestops require players to physically move to them on the map if they wish to catch diverse Pokemons and pick up items like pokeballs that will help them play the game.

It utilizes GPS navigation from your gadgets.

We have to collect all the Pokemons. One fellow from US claimed that he got success in collecting all the Pokemons of the game available in his states territory .

 Adding to this, in-game Pokemon eggs will only hatch if one walks the required distance.  As a result, players are being compelled to get off the couch and go on Pokemon hunting journeys.
Pokemon Go addictions are hitting the roof with some players staying up all night to catch nocturnal Pokemon and drivers stopping in the middle of a highway to catch one nearby to them.

Pokemon Go makers boast a positive side effect for users a major increase in daily physical activity levels.  Many people who were inactive, lazy and lacked physical activity are now finding themselves walking for hours every day to search for new Pokemons. 

Many people are reacting through social media some have claimed to name their exercise plan to  “Pokemon go workout.”  Some trainers come forward to develop exercises plan resembling to the game. 

What Physical therapist can do?
Physical therapists can utilize the game for strength endurance training
Game is also useful to motivate the invalid patients specially to motivate the kids.
We can mix in a strength training component according to the item that a patient picks up. 
Let’s take one example, if he receives regular poke balls, he will do red (Light) therabands.  If the item is a revive or a potion, he will do heavy therabands like green or black. It’s just an example we can make a use of this in many creative manners. It may prove a beneficial method and research topic combine the benefits of exercising and play a game on gadget same time.

Pokemon go can be utilize in:

Establishing motor coordination
Strength endurance  and balance training
Walking motivation
Improve concentration
Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation

Pokemon go could evolve in to a next form of exercise, not wonder if it will be included in university courses also in near future.

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