Dr. Vijay Guleria, BPT MPT(Ortho) MSW. Physiotherapy advocate

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What is the treatment for osteoarthritis

 What is the treatment for osteoarthritis.

We'll still try this is a beer and tear of your joints and this is a mechanical age related phenomena.

Due to continuous use of joints the bone end start decaying. This degeneration of joint surfaces leads into osteophyte s.
If these osteophytes broken down and loss into the joint surface they may lead to a special pressure or injury to the joint surface which may irritate the nerve supply of the joints.


Diagnosis of osteoarthritis

I'm still trying to be diagnosed with the help of x-ray where it will show us sperm of bone and degeneration of joint and the space between joints will be reduced.

What is the treatment for osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis commonly treated with the physiotherapy especially wax bath, 
Tense ultrasonic and IFt.
If you have any other questions let me twist your arthritis please visit your nearest physiotherapist.