Dr. Vijay Guleria, BPT MPT(Ortho) MSW. Physiotherapy advocate

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Long term care and Physiotherapy

Long term care and Physiotherapy 

1. Activation of physical capacity
Physiotherapy will help activation of physical capacity of the patients.
Physiotherapy given in long-term care have a proven evidences of improvement in the capacity of performance by the frail patients to a healthy one.

2. Restoration of function
Physiotherapy improve range of motion ROM and improve the functionality of patient. It also help the patient to get fully restored their impaired functions activity of daily livings are also improved seen with the help of physiotherapy.

3. Improved or maintained mobility
improved or maintained mobility is also being seen in on the patient of long-term care with help of physiotherapy.
Regular moments range of motion exercises improvement in strength is being seen in many long-term care centers.

4. Safe transfers
Patients in long-term care having physiotherapy have a better yield of safe transfer because of the strength developed in the joints and muscles of these type of patients which help them to get a good and safe mobility it helps them in the safe transfer from one place to another.

5. Reduction of falls and fall related injuries
Physiotherapy taking regularly in long-term care also help the joints to judge better and perform better notable reduction of falls and falls related injuries was reported in LTCs which are having physiotherapy as an instrumentation.

6. Reduction in pain 
Improved joint and muscles movements also help the toxin removal from the body.
Regular range of motion exercises and stretching help the patient to get rid of the pain.

7. Decreased incontinence regular physical therapy also help the patient to fight with incontinence related issues.
Bedside physiotherapy help patient to get rid of incontinence problem.

8. Less incidence of pressure sores bedsore or the pressure ulcers or the chief complaint from a long-term care patients most of the time.

9. Improved quality of life is also being seen in the patient of long-term care which are having regular physiotherapy overall confidence of a patient got boosted due to physiotherapy and make them feel happy and healthy.