Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Care business is the best business!

Care business is the best business!
We all love our profession by heart, we may working sometime in other field but still your heart beat for your profession. Have you ever heard a bad physiotherapist?
My profession is associated with love and care. I have to stand by my patients in the phase of sorrow and grief. I have to take my patients out of the weakest point of time, where he may loose his or her all hopes.
I got thousands of blessings from my patients. Money earned from my profession is truly something I earn by putting my purest hardest efforts in my job.

My patients called me angel, magician and a noble humen.
I am proud to be a physiotherapist.
Some one said that not all handsome become superheroes but some become physiotherapists.


How to make your clinic brand famous in your area "What is seen is sold". Always make this thing clear in mind. People...
Posted by DrVijay Guleria on Sunday, 3 January 2016

The Most Boring Subject in BPT: A Necessary Evil?

  The Most Boring Subject in BPT: A Necessary Evil? Physiotherapy is an exciting field filled with hands-on learning, patient interaction, ...