Sunday, 27 December 2015

How to earn more from your clinic

How to earn more from your clinic?

We all have studied same course, same practical, we went to same universities and colleges, still some of us are known as famous physiotherapists while other are not. 

Have you ever wonder why this level gap and why is this differentiation?
On analysis many factors come forward for this. Experience was the one but other then that there are factors responsible. If we want to earn more from our clinics we have to do some home work for this. By implementing simple ways you can also earn more.

•  Identifying a need in your community

Your location should be need based, try to find out the number of clinics in your location so that you have clear cut idea of the patients which need your services.
Try to find out number of physiotherapy clinic in your area and type of services they are provided you have to deliver best services among them.
Your clinic should have well equipped and quality machines. It is common observation in India most of the clinics do not have traction units.
If your clinic is providing facility to patients they will not hesitate to pay you more then to other clinics in your vicinity. Your clinic should have well maintained and illuminated interior and is not necessary to have the costlier one.

•   How to determine which new service/model for your clinic

Always try to update yourself and your clinic in latest techniques and modalities.
Your treatment model should be unique and evidence based.
Try to follow your service model strictly.
 Always consider the finding of other doctors like pathologist and radiologist‘s finding in making final diagnosis for your patient.
Your quality treatment to your patients is the life of your clinic. If patient got treated effectively and relief, they will spread the good words for you. No publicity can beat the publicity of mouth words.

•   Ways you can reduce overhead costs and increase profits

In physiotherapy clinics there is continuous need of aid and appliances you can purchase in bulk and provide it at reasonable cost to your patient or you can provide it through aid and appliances sellers of the area in your area.
Always purchase daily clinical consumables like gauze, cotton, tissues, gels and wax in bulk.
You can hire interns to reduce your overhead costs if patient load is more, but always keep the check on treatments given by interns.

•   Tips and tricks

 Always note down your finding and take it as future reference to make profits.
Organize free camps like Neuro checkup camp, bone health camps, general health checkup camp.

Many health supplements promotional companies provide free bone densitometry test (DEXA), BMI and neuro sensitivity tests free of cost.
 These activities surely increase number of patient in your clinic.
·   And more.....

In this world of information technology don’t lose any scope of online promotion.
Register to various social online platforms.
Opt for promotional campaigns like Rehabilitation and charity programs.
Always celebrate occasions like World disability day, doctor’s day and world physiotherapy day and display offers for these days.

Follow these steps and Happy earning. If you are also having some new ideas to share please write in comment box below so that it can help physiotherapy domain in large.

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