Saturday, 26 December 2015

Cut......and commissions in physiotherapy......

This morning a patient enter to my clinic. She show her old prescription and said doctor x reffer me to you. After seeing this prescription I come to know this Dr.x is a orthopaedic surgeon. This patient was suffering with calcaneal spur, after taking treatment for 6 week, having no relief now referred to physiotherapist.
I was amazed to see that his mobile phone number is also written below his prescription.
Patient took her treatment and left for her home feeling better.
I was going to see next patient, teliphone rang, it was a call on my clinic landline.
Yes, ******* physiotherapy clinic, how may I help you? I asked in a professionals way.
"Hello this is ****** Mishra from ******* orthopaedic centre. I am PR officer to Dr.x." voice from other side.
"Ok ", I said.
Are you a receptionist? He asked.
I feel a bit low, being a physiotherapist having no receptionist.
"No, I am physiotherapist", I replied.
Oh sorry, sir good morning.
Good morning. I said.
Sir Dr.x has told me to call you and to fix the cut.
Cut..... What cut ? I said.
Sir we are referring many patients to your clinic, so it is important to discuss the percentage cut for our future association. We will send more patients to the clinic from where we get more cut.
"I will tell you later" and I put the phone down.
I was feeling cheated and looted.
Standing beside my landline phone, I was thinking of this new style of earning. Earning by CUT.
Now I am in confusion what percentage of my hard earn money I had to spent on this CUT.

Friends if any one had answers to this please tell me in comment box.

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