Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Baby physio

Paediatric Physiotherapy is a branch of physical therapy which  deals with optimising a child’s movements from birth till adulthood. This is achieved by gaining the best muscle and joint function available in the
growing body though proper assessment, exercises and manual techniques.

In growing age, bone growth may outperform muscle growth, and problems can arise that require an understanding of these and other such factors related to growth.
Growth has different aspects for adults and children. Unlike adults who have completed their growth period, children may have specific needs relating to their physical development which can benefit from the specialised approach like exercises or techniques a physiotherapist working in paediatric physiotherapy can provide to child.

Physio for children is a specialised professional physiotherapy service, experienced in the treatment of babies, children and adolescents.

Parents should visit paediatric physiotherapists if child showing symptoms like

1. feels 'floppiness' or 'stiffness' when handling your child.

2. Toileting problem in wards of 3 months

3. Premature birth gestational period of less than 34 weeks.

4. If your child prefer to look one side most if the time.

5. If the child is late to achieve millstone like rolling sitting standing etc.

Example if child is not sitting by 9 months or not trying to stand up by one year, and not start walking by 1.5 year.

6. If child has an unusual walking pattern or foot posture like clubbing of foot or flat foot etc.

7. Poor fine motor skills like poor grasp.

8. If child complaints of aches or pains frequently or regular.

9. Paediatric physiotherapy also help children to recover fast in injury or post surgery .

10. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s posture your paediatric physiotherapist will surely helpful.
Happy parenting!

Monday, 28 March 2016

Orthopaedic physiotherapist, orthopaedic physiotherapy

Orthopedic physiotherapist, orthopedic physiotherapy MPT (Ortho)

Orthopedic physiotherapy is the oldest branch of physiotherapy profession and is  more concerned towards the treatment of various Muscular – Skeletal diseases.
Orthopedic physiotherapy involves regaining appropriate health and function of structures surrounding the Joint regions and normalizing the Bio mechanics following any injury or orthopedic disease. Vijay Guleria💫: The rehabilitation of Orthopedicaly disabled individuals is also a major area of concern.

The role of a orthopaedic physiotherapist  are

1. Impaired posture impaired correction

 2. Muscle function impaired treatment

3. Joint Mobility treatment

4. Motor function restoration

5. Muscle performance enhancement

6. Range of motion improvement associated with
Connective tissue dysfunctions

7. Localized inflammation, such as in Muscle Pain, Strain, and Muscle Tear

8.Primary prevention and risk reduction for skeletal demineralisation which include Joint stiffness fractures.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Study in USA

List of top physiotherapy university colleges part 1

Alabama Physical Therapy Schools

Alabama State University
University of Alabama  Birmingham
University of South Alabama

Arizona Physical Therapy Schools

Arizona School of Health Sciences Meza, AZ

Arkansas Physical Therapy Schools

University of Central Arkansas

California Physical Therapy Schools

Azusa Pacific University> Azusa,
CACSU Long Beach – Department of Physical Therapy> Long Beach,
CACSU Sacramento – Department of Physical Therapy> Sacramento, CA
Fresno State – Department of Physical Therapy> Fresno, CALoma Linda University> Loma Linda, CASamuel Merritt University> Oakland, CASan Diego State University DPT Program> San Diego, CAUniversity of St. Augustine for Health Sciences> Long Beach,

Connecticut Physical Therapy Schools

Quinnipiac University
 Department of Physical Therapy, New Haven, CT

Florida Physical Therapy Schools

Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU) > School of Allied Health > Tallahassee, Florida

Gulf Coast University – Department of Physical Therapy & Human Performance,
Fort Myers, Florida International University Physical Therapy
Nova Southeastern University > Davie,
 FloridaUniversity of Central Florida – Department of Health Professions  Orlando, FLorida

Georgia Physical Therapy Schools

Armstrong Atlantic State University > Department of Physical Therapy > Savannah, GA Emory University > Division of Physical Therapy > Atlanta, GA Georgia State University > Division of Physical Therapy

Idaho Physical Therapy Schools

Idaho State University > Pocatello, Idaho

Iowa Physical Therapy Schools .

St. Ambrose University MPT Page > Davenport, Iowa

Kansas Physical Therapy Schools

University of Kansas >Kansas City, KSWichita State University – Department of Physical Therapy >Wichita, KS

Louisiana Physical Therapy Schools

Louisiana State University – School of Allied Health Professionals > New Orleans, LA

Maryland Physical Therapy Schools

University Of Maryland

Massachusetts Physical Therapy Schools

Doctor of Physical Therapy > Boston UniversitySargent College > Boston UniversityNortheastern University > Boston, MASpringfield College Physical Therapy Program > Springfield, MAUniversity of Massachusetts Lowell Department of Physical Therapy > Lowell, MA

Michigan Physical Therapy Schools

Andrews University >Berrien Springs, MICentral Michigan University >Mount Pleasant, MIGrand Valley State University >Allendale, MIOakland University >Rochester, MIUniversity of Michigan – Flint >Flint, MIWayne State University >Detroit, MI

Minnesota Physical Therapy Schools

University of Minnesota > Minneapolis, Minnesota

Missouri Physical Therapy Schools

Maryville University> St. Louis, MOSouthwest Baptist University > Bolivar, MOUniversity of Missouri Health System – School of Health Professionals> Columbia, MO

Montana Physical Therapy Schools

University of Montana > Missoula, Montana

Friday, 25 March 2016

Top physiotherapy universities colleges in Africa

Africa is developing in much faster pace and so is the various healthcare services.
Physiotherapy education in Africa is also keeping pace with increase awareness of physiotherapy. Africa has esteemed institutions for physiotherapy treatment and education.
Given below are the list of best physiotherapy institutions which are giving quality education and employment to buddingup physiotherapists.

1. Mbarara University of Science and Technology

Department of Physical Therapy

2. Badr University CairoCairo University

 Faculty of Physiotherapy

3. UgandaMisr University

 College of Physiotherapy

4. CityKafrelsheikh University

Faculty of Physical Therapy

5. University Egypt

 Faculty of Physical Therapy

6. CityPharos University

Faculty of

7. Alexandria University of Ghana

Department of Physiotherapy- Accra, West Africa

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Top physiotherapy universities colleges in Canada.

Canada beautiful country is favourite destination of  many of the physiotherapist. Canada is also high in demand for physio therapists and other rehabilitation professionals.
Nursing, physio and occupational therapist are the highest number of applicants for permanent resident in Canada.
Is it not really good if physiotherapy education can be obtained in Canada onl?.
This will help you to obtain PR visa in Canada.
Given below are the top colleges institutions which impart good quality physiotherapy education in Canada.

1. Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS
School of Physiotherapy

2. University of Saskatchewan
School of Physical Therapy

3. McGill University
School of Physical and Occupational Therapy

4. McMaster University
School of Rehabilitation Science

5. Queen’s University
School of Rehabilitation

6.University of Alberta
 Rehabilitation Medicine

7. University of British Columbia
 School of Rehabilitation Sciences

8. University of Manitoba
School of Medical Rehabilitation

9. University of Toronto
Department of Physical Therapy

10. University of Western Ontario
 Faculty of Health Sciences

At regular intervals admissions opens in these  esteemed institution, if you are interested keep yourself updated, through various modes of communications.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Top physiotherapy schools in New Zealand.

Indian physiotherapists wants to earn a good foreign degrees.
Most of our physiotherapists headed to  US, UK and Australia. My this article is based on study from Internet data to give you deep insight through top rank universities in New Zealand.

New Zealand had two top universities which provides quality education of world standards.

1. Auckland University of Technology : School of Physiotherapy

2. University of Otago : School of Physiotherapy

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Top earnings from Medical tourism in India

Medical tourism is a big growing sector in India. India's medical tourism sector is expected to experience an annual growth rate of 35%, making it a $2 billion industry by 2015.
 As you all know medical treatment costs in the developed world balloon - with the United States leading the way - more and more Westerners are finding the prospect of international travel for medical care increasingly appealing.
An estimated 140,000 of these travel to India for low-cost healthcare procedures every year.

Why India attract more patients for medical tourism?

Advantages of medical treatment in India include reduced costs, the availability of latest medical technologies, and a growing compliance on international quality standards, as well as the fact that foreigners are less likely to face a language barrier in India above all is the reason that Indian doctors are recognised worldwide for quality services.
Even the Indian government is taking steps to address infrastructure issues that slowdown the country's growth in medical tourism.
Government also give facilities to the medical tourists. The government has removed visa restrictions on tourist visas that required a two-month gap between consecutive visits for people from Gulf countries which is likely to boost medical tourism.
 A visa-on-arrival scheme for tourists from select countries has been instituted which allows foreign nationals to stay in India for 30 days for medical reasons.
Most visible example is Noida, In Noida, which is fast emerging as a hotspot for medical tourism, a number of hospitals have hired language translators to make patients from Balkan and African countries feel more comfortable while at the same time helping in the facilitation of their treatment and other consultations.

Confederation of Indian Industry reported that 150,000 medical tourists came to India in 2005,(Internet sources) based on feedback from the organisation's member hospitals. The number grew to 200,000 by 2008.
In a separate study by ASSOCHAM reported that the year 2011 saw 850,000 medical tourists in India and projected that by 2015 this number would rise to 3,200,000.

Most estimates claim treatment costs in India start at around a tenth of the price of comparable treatment in America or Britain.
The most popular treatments sought in India by medical tourists are alternative medicine,
 bone-marrow transplant, cardiac bypass,
eye surgery and
hip replacement.

India is known in particular for heart surgery, hip resurfacing and other areas of advanced medicine.

Lower treatment cost does not necessarily mean lower healthcare standards we Indian doctors not compromise on quality.

There are highly accredited hospitals in India and they are growing, however, for a patient traveling to India, it is important to find the optimal Doctor-Hospital combination. After the patient has been treated, the patient has the option of either admit in the hospital or at a paid accommodation nearby. Many  of the hospitals also give the option of continuing the treatment through telemedicine or Internet interface.

Chennai is the best example of medical tourism.
The city of Chennai has been termed "India's health capital".
Multi- and super-specialty hospitals across the city bring in an estimated 150 international patients every day.
Chennai attracts about 45 percent of health tourists from abroad arriving in the country and 30 to 40 percent of domestic health tourists. Factors behind the tourists inflow in the city include low costs, little to no waiting period, and facilities offered at the specialty hospitals in the city.
The city has an estimated 12,000 hospital beds, of which only half is used by the city's population with the rest being shared by patients from other states of the country and foreigners.
Dental clinics have attracted dental care tourism to Chennai.
Physiotherapy clinics are are serving up to great extents. As compared to Western world our services are  in par with them over that our quality.

doctorate physical therapy schools, arthritis physical therapy, are physical therapists doctors, dpt, BPT, MPT physiotherapist, content physical, Hemi

Monday, 14 March 2016

Sex and sexuality in healthcare practice

Sex and sexuality in  healthcare practice

We as a healthcare professionals have an important role of the healthcare practice in addressing the sexual health needs of patients.

Healthcare professionals should learn the challenges and barriers involved in talking about sex and sexuality with patients, and will have an opportunity to examine their own values, attitudes, and feelings about sexuality and sexual health.

1. Why Should healthcare professionals Address Sexuality?

Healthcare professionals have an important role of addressing sex in clinical healthcare settings . this is most significant in spinal injuries related patients. They faced many challenges after the injuries and the problem become more wort if the patient are in adulthood and with disability of other types such as visual or mental disabilities.

2. Speaking of Sex

Healthcare professionals encountered many challenges and barriers involved in talking about sex and sexuality with clients. In country like our we can't talk openly in such topics specially when our patients are of opposite genders, But we can share the things with patient with taking in confidence.

3. Before discussing sex and sexuality with our patients we should go for examining our own values, attitudes, and knowledge about sex.

Our own values, attitudes and feelings about sexuality and acknowledgements, respect and affirm the sexual values, attitudes and feelings of others.

4. Basic Sexual Function

Healthcare professionals should be able to describe the basic anatomy and physiology of sexual functioning, and will discuss the distinct phases of sexual functioning.

5. Sexual Disorders

Healthcare professionals should be able to describe male and female disorders of sexual function, and how physical, psychological and social factors can affect sexual functioning.

If we are sound in above mentioned topics then comfortably we can discuss the sex and sexuality with our patients and help them in every possible way.

Sex and sexuality in physiotherapy practice

Sex and sexuality in physiotherapy practice

Physiotherapist have an important role as running the physical therapy practice in addressing the sexual health needs of patients.

1. Physiotherapists should learn the challenges and barriers involved in talking about sex and sexuality with patients, and will have an opportunity to examine their own values, attitudes, and feelings about sexuality and sexual health. Introduction - Why Should physiotherapists Address Sexuality? Participants will recognize the important role of addressing sex in clinical physiotherapy settings . 

2. Speaking of Sex Participants will describe the challenges and barriers involved in talking about sex and sexuality with clients.
3. Examining Our Own Values, Attitudes, and Knowledge About Sex The participant will articulate their own values, attitudes and feelings about sexuality and acknowledge, respect and affirm the sexual values, attitudes and feelings of others.

 4. Basic Sexual Function Participants will be able to describe the basic anatomy and physiology of sexual functioning, and will discuss the distinct phases of sexual functioning. 

5. Sexual Disorders Participants will be able to describe male and female disorders of sexual function, and how physical, psychological and social factors can affect sexual functioning.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Workshops culture in physiotherapy

Physiotherapy workshops culture 

Now a days budding physiotherapists are suffering from a confusion name as workshops by physiotherapists on different topics
Common workshops we hear in our day to day life through social media and social circles are

1. Manual therapy

2. Taping/ sports tapping

3. Kinesio taping

4. Cardio

5. Myofascial release

6.  McKenzie techniques

7. Chiropractic

8. Dry needling


10. Ergonomics

Many of good physiotherapists are giving quality education but most of the physio are just playing with other physios as the quality of education is not up to mark.

 Even some business houses who deals with physiotherapy equipment also charge the therapists for their demo in the name of workshops.

Trending of this culture is seen increase in not in metro but also in small towns also.

Look at given pictures from Facebook and you can better understand the irony behind this.
Irony is that almost 100s of gentleman physiotherapists have tried to apply on fb through sending their email addresses.

So decide now what we need a workshop or common sense?

Monday, 7 March 2016

Top Reasons to study physiotherapy

Top Reasons to study physiotherapy:

We human are social animals, in order to service we have to take some roles or decisions to earn our living. One question always come to every young mind that what we will become to earn our living?

Majority of us choose to make more money by doing business while some go for social services. I know one profession which can give both.

 I wants to have both so I choose physiotherapy.
Physiotherapist couple from India

1. To serve humanity  as well as family:  

 Physiotherapists serve humanity in better ways then to other professionals. Disable, people in pain, healthy all need physiotherapy some time in lifetime. Physiotherapy is a noble profession it is the healing of human by other human which involved contact lead to strong bondage between patient and physiotherapy doctor.

2. Good earning:

Salaries for physiotherapists in the NHS are between £28,170 per annum.

Super Specialist physiotherapists can earn up to £34,000 a year. This can rise to around £45,000 as an advanced physiotherapist or in management role.
Earning potential of private practice physical therapists are much higher.

3. Social status:

Physiotherapist considered as high social status holder citizen like other health professionals. Physiotherapist are considered as noble and humble skilled professionals. Have you ever heard a bad views about any physiotherapist. No such word bad physiotherapist exist in this world.

4. fitness / sports lover:

Physiotherapist deals which musculoskeletal and neurological disorder. In order to keep their  patients fit and healthy they have to keep the patients motivated to do lots of exercises which they have to demonstrate or to do with them.

This keep physiotherapist healthy while treating patients and earning money. This is the double profit they earn.

Most of the sports physical therapist play with team in practice sessions, this also improve their life style and health. Most of the teams even at state level endorse physiotherapist for them so if you have interests in sport stars you can serve closely with them.

The year was 1997 and India was playing their archrivals, Pakistan, in Chepauk stadium. And when Rahul Dravid had an issue with his hamstring, young physiotherapist M Hamsraj treated his first on-field celebrity player. And Dravid went on to score a century in that Pepsi Independence Cup match. The rest, as they say, is history.

5. Want to see world and seek international accredited degrees:
Physiotherapy is world wide recognised accepted profession you can work around world afer taking licences.

The Most Boring Subject in BPT: A Necessary Evil?

  The Most Boring Subject in BPT: A Necessary Evil? Physiotherapy is an exciting field filled with hands-on learning, patient interaction, ...