Friday, 11 March 2016

Workshops culture in physiotherapy

Physiotherapy workshops culture 

Now a days budding physiotherapists are suffering from a confusion name as workshops by physiotherapists on different topics
Common workshops we hear in our day to day life through social media and social circles are

1. Manual therapy

2. Taping/ sports tapping

3. Kinesio taping

4. Cardio

5. Myofascial release

6.  McKenzie techniques

7. Chiropractic

8. Dry needling


10. Ergonomics

Many of good physiotherapists are giving quality education but most of the physio are just playing with other physios as the quality of education is not up to mark.

 Even some business houses who deals with physiotherapy equipment also charge the therapists for their demo in the name of workshops.

Trending of this culture is seen increase in not in metro but also in small towns also.

Look at given pictures from Facebook and you can better understand the irony behind this.
Irony is that almost 100s of gentleman physiotherapists have tried to apply on fb through sending their email addresses.

So decide now what we need a workshop or common sense?

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