Monday, 14 March 2016

Sex and sexuality in physiotherapy practice

Sex and sexuality in physiotherapy practice

Physiotherapist have an important role as running the physical therapy practice in addressing the sexual health needs of patients.

1. Physiotherapists should learn the challenges and barriers involved in talking about sex and sexuality with patients, and will have an opportunity to examine their own values, attitudes, and feelings about sexuality and sexual health. Introduction - Why Should physiotherapists Address Sexuality? Participants will recognize the important role of addressing sex in clinical physiotherapy settings . 

2. Speaking of Sex Participants will describe the challenges and barriers involved in talking about sex and sexuality with clients.
3. Examining Our Own Values, Attitudes, and Knowledge About Sex The participant will articulate their own values, attitudes and feelings about sexuality and acknowledge, respect and affirm the sexual values, attitudes and feelings of others.

 4. Basic Sexual Function Participants will be able to describe the basic anatomy and physiology of sexual functioning, and will discuss the distinct phases of sexual functioning. 

5. Sexual Disorders Participants will be able to describe male and female disorders of sexual function, and how physical, psychological and social factors can affect sexual functioning.

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