Sunday, 12 June 2016

Immunise your clinic from financial harms

Immunise your clinic from financial harms

Gone are the days when doctors are considered to be a God, in India daily you can see the news of attacks on doctors and hospitals by mobs. Patients and their relatives put all blame on doctors and hospitals.
Being a medical professional, your first duty is to take care of your patients, but the business person in you needs to think about keeping risks and losses to zero.

Protest after attacks on doctors and hospitals 

Consider if there is a fire instance at clinic your patient records may get destroyed by fire, secondly your computer equipment stolen, third most important your medical equipment, modalities were to break down.
Can you carry your business further.
Are you safe from the financial repercussions and interruption of business?

It is a common trend in India to beat the doctor and distroy the healthcare setups by relatives  after any misshaping. Latest example is Noida where a troop distroy everything and harm the doctors.

So insurance of your healthcare setup is the only protection which can cover you wide range of risks

              Even in the best-run hospitals, accidents do happen so don't let these accidents distroy the business you've worked so hard to build.

Risk free clinical practice

There are insurances which includes  coverages as well as several extended care options like giving you the flexibility to design a plan to suit your special needs and also protect you from the  loss.

Your insurance can include provisions for a wide variety of risks like:

1. Damage to business property including buildings, contents, medical equipment, and revenue loss due to work interruption arising from an insured loss.

2. Legal costs due to injury to a third party or damage to their property while on your setup.

3. Damage to computers and electronic media.

4. Loss or damage to valuable papers and records.

5. Equipment/ modalities breakdown.

6. Employee theft.

7. Losses related to identity theft.

8. Disease outbreak which may leads to temporarily relocation.

So every healthcare setup should be insured to provide a tension free care to patients.

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