Friday, 17 June 2016

Think before you touch: Good touch, bad touch

Physiotherapists delivered their treatment thought skilled hand and sharp mind. Their hands are said to be magical hand.
Manual therapy is delivered to patients with magical results. Effective ness of the touch is dependent upon its type.

Types of touch:
Soft end feel
Hard end  feel.

1. Soft end feel: it is the end feel due to muscles and soft tissues .
Therapist can go little beyond the soft end feel during exercises.

2. Hard end feel : this is the end feel due to bone tissue. Therapist should not go beyond hard end feel.

Why end feel is important?

End feel is important in order to save damage to various body tissues and structures.

Psychology of touch:

it is very important to understand the psychology of touch. Intentions are closely observed by patients so, touch the patients by pure intentions.
Good touch and bad touch are easily recognised so pure intentions are good for healthy treatment.

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