Sunday, 29 May 2016

Do we respect the rights and dignity of patients

Physiotherapy treatment is involved with significant amount of exposure visual as well as auditory. Which becomes sensitive.
During treatment of our patients we should consider then firstly with utmost dignity.

Patients have a right to expect privacy in the provision of their healthcare. The Physiotherapists needs to have  policies about patients privacy and these policies must be upheld by Physiotherapy staff also.

Identify individual privacy needs each client has a unique need for privacy during a consultation.
This need may vary according to personal preference, natural modesty, the type of care being provided and the patients familiarity with the intervention, eg. the privacy needs of a client may be different if the consultation involves the treatment of a sports injury versus continence management.

In determining the individual privacy needs of a patient, Physiotherapist and staff should avoid stereotyping and generalising.

1. Visual privacy

If a client needs to disrobe for a particular intervention, the health professional must provide a clear explanation of ‘adequate undress’ and the reason it is important. The health professional should offer suitable cover  if it is necessary to protect the client’s dignity and privacy.

Sometime the client should be invited to disrobe behind a privacy screen. In such cases the health professional may turn their back or choose to leave the room while a client disrobes.

Where a client is particularly vulnerable and or there is potential for the patient-practitioner relationship to be particularly sensitive, the health professional may seek the client’s consent to have a third party present in
a supervisor role if the client needs to disrobe for an intervention.

2. Auditory privacy

The Physiotherapist should have at least one area that offers satisfactory auditory privacy so that discussions with a patient can be conducted in private.

 In Physiotherapy clinics
with curtained treatment areas, this may mean that  discussions at the commencement of a consultation need to be conducted in private in a separate area.

 It is particularly important that discussion and telephone mobile communication at the reception area be conducted discreetly, in the interests of respecting Patients and protecting the privacy of health information.

Discussions between health professionals about a client should be conducted carefully and  should not take place in the presence of other Patients or administrative staff.

Assessment indicators

Firstly Physiotherapists and other staff can describe how they identify the individual privacy needs of a client. Secondly The Physiotherapist has a policy which describes how
the privacy needs of individual Patients are met.

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Wednesday, 25 May 2016

How to judge a good or bad physiotherapy clinic?

How to judge a  good or bad physiotherapy clinic?

Standard clinics vr low standards clinics.

Physiotherapy is the branch of modern medicine that deals with the diseases and disorders by physical/mobilities.
It is not merely application of physical modalities, but includes screening, evaluation, assessment, planning and application, re-assessment, modification of treatment plan for preventing, alleviating and limiting acute and chronic movement dysfunction and physical disabilities. Physiotherapy also known as physicaltherapy promotes physical fitness, facilitates healing alleviation of pain by modulating physiological responses using physical agents like heat, cold, electricity, exercises and manipulation. In India especially in metro cities and two tiers cities physiotherapy clinics are growing at faster pace. In this race some people are running sub standard clinics without proper facilities. So next time if you visits a physiotherapy clinic check given below list to decide if the clinic is standard one or not?

I will divide the total facilities, utilities and equipments in to two categories one is essential and second is optional:


1. Name of Consultant(s)

2. Fire Extinguisher

3. Display of service provided & Charges

4. Drinking Water facility

5. Registration of the patients

6. Waiting area

7. Backup Electricity

8. Hand wash facility

9. Examination/Treatment tables for patient

10. Torch

11. Bio Medical Waste management

12. Thermometer

13. Weighing machine

14. BP apparatus
15. Electrotherapy Equipment/ Modalities :
a) Short Wave Diathermy

b) Ultrasonic Therapy
Ultrasonic therapy

c) Interferential Therapy


d) Hot Packs

e) Wax Bath


g) Traction Unit (Cervical / Lumbar)

Traction unit

h) Muscle Stimulator

16. Exercise therapy Equipment/ Modalities

a) Cold Packs

b) Shoulder Wheel

c) Over Head PuIIey

d) Wall Ladder /Abduction Ladder

e) Weight Cuffs / WTherapy


l. Electrotherapy Equipment/ Modalities

a) Micro Wave Diathermy

b) LASER Therapy

 c) Muscle Stimulator Electro-diagnostic

2. Exercise therapy Equipments/ Modalities

a) Cryo Cuff Unit

b) Continuous Passive Motion Exerciser

c) Supinator Pronator Exerciser

d) Heel / Ankle Exerciser

e) Tilt Board

f) Parallel Bar

Parallel bar

g) Mat Exercise Facility

h) Suspension Therapy Unit

 i) Stationary Bicycle

j) Treadmill

k) Vibrator

I) Swiss Ball

m) Rowing Frame Exerciser

n) Gripper / Gel Balls

o) Graded Elastic Exercise Bands

p) Quadriceps Table

Quadriceps table


Noise Pollution Certificate and

Air pollution certification are also need to be their. So next time you visit to a PHYSIOTHERAPIST keep your eyes open and ask for all modalities.

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Thursday, 19 May 2016

Physiotherapists / physical therapists should have tattoo or not?

Physiotherapists / physical therapists should have tattoo or not?

I know some wonderful people full of tattoos and piercings and they could very well be the best professionals in the world.
At this moment in time and in many countries however their appearance might cause some hassle.
But if I thinks as a  employer I would have to think of the opinion of my clients as well.

Should a physical therapist or physiotherapist inked?
Please type Y /N in comment box.

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Mouth sores

Mouth sores: Methods of prevention and cure

Alternate names:
-Mouth sores, inflammation of the mouth, oral cavity lesions, burning mouth oral sores.

Commonly sore mouth or mouth ulcers problem suffered by many people and are always sore mouth small and far from considering it painful and mayh last some time generating a feeling connected. Called ulcers and ringworm is eating and talking to the painful experience and can appear on the tongue or gums or inside the cheek or on the lips.

Despite the repeated appearance of mouth ulcers regularly but unknown causes at most times as they appear at any age, especially between the age of 10.

And these ulcers may not require treatment in most cases, the pain usually begins to recede after several days and often disappear during sore one to two weeks at most.

May appear between Qatar and larger than 1 cm and last more than two weeks.

These ulcers are divided into two types:

Simple ulcers: these ulcers usually appear three to four times a year, and may remain about a week, and often appear when females than males, begin to appear in people between the ages of 10 and 20 years, and say it with a person, to stop completely.

Ulcers sores: sores of this type is rare, but is considered more serious and more damaging.

Symptoms of mouth ulcers:

The emergence of these ulcers is accompanied by symptoms such as:
* Pain in one area or several areas of the mouth are often on or under the tongue or on the inner surface of the lips or gums at the base of the gums.
1. A feeling of tickling or slight sting in the mouth before the appearance of ulcers.
2. Circular white ulcers.

The following symptoms are associated with mouth ulcers:

1. Mild fever.
2. Idle.
3. Inflammation of the lymph nodes

common causes of sores are:

Despite the repeated appearance of mouth ulcers but the specific reason for its appearance is still vague but physicians have many beliefs regarding mouth ulcers, some say that appear as a result of psychological pressure while others believe that injury resulted in the appearance of mouth ulcers  other reasons may be
1. Tension & stress
2. During the menstrual cycle.
3. Eating a particular type of food & beverage:  Brinjal tomato, citrus fruits, coffee, nuts and chocolate.
4. Inflammation of the stomach
5. Smoking
6. Iron deficiency and vitamin b 12
7. The lack of immunity of the body

And symptoms associated with the sores are:

A. Feeling severe pain in the appearance of sores
B. Burning sensation in mouth
C. Mild fever
D. Inability to eat or speak fluently.

Prevention and treatment:

To reduce its appearance or to assist the recovery of sores following a few steps, and the most important.
* Avoid hot drinks and warm
* Avoid acidic foods
* Brushing teeth with a soft brush.

And to assist them in healing:

You can place pieces of ice on canker sores
* The use of palliative for pain pills
* Use some creams that help to heal.
Oral hygiene is the key to prevent oral sores.

When to contact the physician?

It may require contacting the doctor in any of the following cases:

If there is emergence of unusually large ulcer.

If the lack of improvement in pain and ulcers do not disappear after two weeks and continue severe intolerable pain, which leads to difficulty in eating and drinking fluids.

If there is high grade fever.

If your sore mouth is due to denture or other other dental procedures.

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Monday, 16 May 2016

Disabilities and physiotherapy

Disability and physiotherapy
Physiotherapy has wide scope to fight disabilities. Physiotherapists fight the disabilities in hospital, clinical and home setups also.

Community based rehabilitation is also a wide area for physiotherapists where job of physiotherapist is to rehabilitate the affected person in his community by using  the resources available in the area classical example is using bamboo sticks to make a parallel bars.
To fight with disabilities physiotherapist must have a clear view about different type of disabilities.

Physical disabilities
Mental disabilities
Speech and hearing disabilities.
Mixed disabilities or multiple disabilities

Physical disabilities

Physical disabilities are the disabilities which are widely treated by physiotherapists these are disabilities related to skeleton and muscular  system.
Disuse atrophy, metabolic disorders, polio, muscular dystrophy and congenital disorders are broadly cover this part of disability.
Motor disfunctions are covered in this type.
Physical corrective actions along with implants, othosis and prosthesis are need to be take care of it.
Strengthening exercises range of motion exercises, streatching exercises along with relaxation exercises need to be apply in such patients.
Wheelchair training toilet training activity of daily living also need to teach in some of the cases.

Awareness about various physical disabilities need to made in common people as people not accept the disabled individuals as members of society even some time it is seen that family members hide these case and think it is a curse by God. They don't take the person or like to seek help from medical professional.

Special role: physiotherapists, occupational therapist, orthotics and and prosthetics

Mental disabilities

Mental retardation where patients are not developed equally to their physical age.
Delayed mile stones, mental retardation, ADHD, autism, down syndrome are some of the example.
Management of this include special education, integrated education and play therapy.

Special role: special educators

Speach and hearing disabilities

These people are unable to speak and listen properly. Disorders may varies from fully to partial. Deafness and dumbness disabilities are treated with the help of speech therapy hearing aids and audiometry. Some surgicals procedures like cochlear implant are helpful in some cases.

Special role: speech therapist, audiologist.

Mixed disabilities

These are the disabilities which consist of two or more then two disabilities mentioned above. Eg. Cerebral palsy, hemiplegia etc
 Special role: need team efforts.

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Are physiotherapy diploma courses going to stop in India

Are physiotherapy diploma courses going to stop in India
Physiotherapists of India are contributing their level best to healthcare system. Physiotherapists are fighting with mobility disorders and disabilities, strengthening the society.

Their role in pre oprative and post oprative procedures is very crucial. Other fields like sports and community based rehabilitation physiotherapists are playing crucial roles.
Our field is expanding upto the sky and space.
Physiotherapists of India are in big demand in foreign countries like Canada, USA and UK. In this way they are strengthening Indian economy also.
For these above-mentioned roles quality of our physiotherapy doctors matters a lot, so is our physiotherapy education. To become a good physiotherapy doctor you have to study every detail of human body along with mechanics and mechanism of the body.
Pathology, surgery,biochemistry, pharmacology, orthopaedics, cardiology, obs-gynecology, Opthalmology, biomechanics, kinesiology, exercise therapy,  elctrotherapy, psychology, psychiatrics, chest medicines, biostatistics and medicine plus many more aubjectsare there which need hard-working educational qualification minimum of 4.1/2 years BPT.
It is very disheartening to know that in country like our we have six months, 1year,and 2 year courses for PHYSIOTHERAPISTS.

In some institutions of repute still diploma holder physiotherapists are working and they are not updated on knowledge and skills required for qualified PHYSIOTHERAPIST.
Governments of some states are still deploy minimum qualification for Physiotherapy post as diploma,while we have a big force of qualified PHYSIOTHERAPISTS in India who are having qualifications of BPT, MPT.
Should we as a qualified PHYSIOTHERAPISTS boycott from such recruitments or not?
Awareness among the patients is also necessary so they can know the difference between diploma and degree holder physiotherapy.
Should diploma holder physiotherapists allowed to run physiotherapy clinic?
Universities should strart Bridge courses for  diploma holders to become degree holders.

If you have any suggestions please feel free to text below in comment box.

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Sunday, 15 May 2016

Medical summarization job

Medical summarization is the process of summerizing the medical records in to a compact form in required chronological order. Sometime there may be lifetime records of a patient can be given to medical professionals to make summery.
 Work deals with reading prescriptions bad handwritten notes of doctors.

Index lab values and drugs of importance.

Use of summery: these summarization can be useful to given below professionals

Advocates in court
Insurance companies

It may save their precious time also.

Huge demand of medical professionals in this field is there.

Salary: Handsome amount according to your qualifications and experiences.

It is best suited to professionals who love office job with flexibility.

Biggest employers are US MNC s.

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Saturday, 14 May 2016

Do IAP need membership of WCPT

WCPT (World Confederation for Physiotherapy/ physical therapy )

World Confederation for Physiotherapy/ physical therapy (WCPT) is the only international organisation for physiotherapy or physical therapy, representing more than 350,000 physiotherapists or physical therapists worldwide through its 111 member organisations/ associations.

The confederation WCPT operates as a non-profit organisation and is registered as a charity in the united kingdom.
History of confederation:

In 1951 the World Confederation for Physical Therapy had 11 founding member organisations from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, West Germany, Sweden and the United States of America.
The first international Congress and Second General Meeting were held in London in 1953, where the first executive committee was elected.
In first ten years membership increased to 16 organisations, even though WCPT had no regular income and depended on voluntary donations from its member organisations and occasional grants from other international bodies.
The confederation consolidated its international position by attaining consultative status with the United Nations and official relationship with the World Health Organization.
In 1991, the Confederation established five Regions with autonomous regional committees to encourage frequent contact among members with similar cultural, economic and social outlook.
1995 general meeting, a range of declarations of principle and position statements were adopted for the first time, providing member organisations with foundation policy guidance about practice, education and research.

WCPT has held 15 world congresses since its establishment, held every four years.
World Physical Therapy Day, established by WCPT in 1996, has grown in popularity and influence. Every year physical therapy organisations all around the world organise campaigns and events to celebrate and publicise the role of physical therapists. So in nut shell WCPT is the backbone of the noble profession physiotherapy and we should proud of it.
Irony with country like our is we don’t have subscription to this confederation, as our association in India don’t have time to handle their internal disputes and got registered in world forum like  WCPT.
I hope our leaders unit one day and again attain membership subscription from WCPT.

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Friday, 13 May 2016

When to consult a physiotherapy doctor.

Physiotherapist are mainly deals with mobility related diseases and disorders  of muscles, nerves and bones.
physiotherapist is the right medical professional to consult for conditions that limit your mobility or independence, especially if that condition can be improved with physiotherapy.

Physiotherapists can help you to maintain your health and wellness.

Physiotherapy doctors helps patients to heal by providing optimum level and conditions to heal by means of heat, cold, mobilisation and electric currents or stimulations.

Primary training for physiotherapy doctors focuses on body movement how muscles and bones coordinate while we move.

These medical professionals understand not only how the body moves, but the problems that can develop to limit mobility.
Bio mechanics is the subject which they mastered, when there is body mobility impairment, they are trained to knotohow to restore or improve body mobility.

Given below are the some conditions for which a patient should directly approach to a physiotherapy doctor

1. Any  mobility related conditions  of human body like neurological or musculoskeletal (fractures, injuries)
2. spinal conditions,
3. joint conditions,
4. lung conditions, and
5. heart conditions.
6.  different types of chronic pain including back pain and neck pain
7. wellness problems caused by different types of injuries, like work-related injuries, accident-related injuries and sports-related injuries.

Know these conditions by name  and reach to nearest physiotherapy doctor

8. Frozen shoulder
9. Joint degenerative disordered.
10. Disc related problems.
11. Fascial palsy/ Bells palsy
12. Calcanial spur
13. Trigger thumb/ finger.
14. Tennis elbow and golfer's elbow
15. Plantar faciatis
16. Flat foot
17. Spondylosis
18. Pivd
19. Osteoarthritis
20. Cerebral palsy
21. Hemiplegia
So consult with your PHYSIOTHERAPISTS in order to cure fast and save your time and money both.

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Saturday, 7 May 2016

This is the most common trend in Indian patients

This is the most common trend of Indian patients

People of India ignore their ailments irrespective of their social status, they never turnup for primary care providers.
One of my friend always use to say that everyone in this country is a doctor. Every house has a doctor people try to cure themselves by their self-styled remedies till the bad become worse.
Top ignored diseases by patients which they believe will cured by itself:
1. Back pain
2. Headache
3. Skin diseases
4. Neck pain
5. Frozen shoulder
6. Mental illnesses

People of India ignore backaches they feels it will cure itself, they never try to find the real cause. Sometime discogenic and spinal origin back pains become serious due to negligence of patients. Such negligences could leads to surgical procedures which can be easily avoided by preventive medicine physiotherapy.
Never wait your problem to become irreparable.

In India, a common trend among patients is to overlook their health issues, regardless of their social status. Many individuals refrain from seeking primary care providers and opt to self-medicate instead. It's a sentiment echoed by many, with the belief that every household has its own "doctor," leading people to attempt to cure themselves with homemade remedies until the condition worsens.

The most frequently ignored ailments by Indian patients include:

Back Pain: Often dismissed in the hope that it will resolve on its own, back pain is a prevalent yet overlooked condition. Neglecting discogenic and spinal-origin back pains can result in serious consequences, potentially leading to surgical interventions that could have been prevented through early intervention such as preventive medicine and physiotherapy.

Headaches: Another commonly disregarded health issue, headaches are often endured without seeking proper medical attention, despite the possibility of underlying causes that may require treatment.

Skin Diseases: Skin ailments are frequently downplayed, with individuals relying on home remedies or ignoring symptoms altogether, unaware of potential complications that may arise from untreated conditions.

Neck Pain: Similar to back pain, neck pain is often dismissed as temporary discomfort without addressing the underlying causes, which could lead to more severe complications if left untreated.

Frozen Shoulder: This condition, characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint, is often underestimated in severity, leading individuals to delay seeking professional medical advice until the condition becomes debilitating.

Mental Illnesses: Mental health issues are highly stigmatized in Indian society, leading many individuals to avoid seeking help or acknowledging their symptoms, which can exacerbate the condition over time.

It's crucial for individuals to recognize the importance of early intervention and seek professional medical advice when experiencing any health concerns. Neglecting minor ailments can lead to significant consequences, including the need for invasive treatments that could have been avoided with timely medical attention. Prioritizing preventive healthcare measures and consulting healthcare professionals can help prevent minor issues from escalating into serious health complications.

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Monday, 2 May 2016

Satyagraha for council (struggling physios of India)

Dandi March by physiotherapists

It doesn't matter how many resources you have, if you don't know how to use them, it will never be enough.
A news of satyagraha by physiotherapists in India is a positivity for the profession. We have a large number of physiotherapists in India but they are not united and guided in one direction.
According to me reasons are
1. lack of leadership at national level,
2. Lack of strong governing body at state or national level.
Try to compare physiotherapy association with Indian medical association, you will find the reason where we stand.
We stand no where.
What we are doing for profession is nothing in comparison to nurshing council.
Even paramedical associations are much much stronger than our associations.
What will be the results of this satyagraha I am little confused but still hoping for the best.
My best wishes with friends who are organising this event.
Resource planning is very important to achieve something so planning should be strong enough.
Every single small efforts are equally important so let's united to achieve our goal.

Message by Dr umashankar Mohanty:

Dear Physiotherapy Colleagues and Physiotherapy Students,

Come and join the Massive Satyagraha to Establish Central Physiotherapy Council at Dandi on 19th June,2016. Your participation and presence is extremely important for profession. I am sure our sincere, selfless efforts for professional cause will create a great impulse and momentum with the Central Government. Come and be the part of Historic National Physiotherapy movement at Dandi on June 19th,2016.

Herewith share with you a great thought of Father of Nation Gandhiji

There is force in the universe, which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results.- Mahatma Gandhi

Herewith sharing with you our efforts to create mass awareness about our requirement. Your one day is extremely important for the profession. Do treat it as a personal appeal, request and invitation.Kindly share in facebook, Whatsapp and create invitation from your side too for Physiotherapy fraternity. Take the link and share with all Physiotherapists. 

— By FPJ Bureau | May 21, 2016 12:43 am 
Indore :  Physiotherapists across the country would hold a ‘satyagraha’ at Dandi in Gujarat on June 19 to push for their one-point demand of establishing Central Physiotherapy Council.

“For past many years, we have been demanding from the Central government to setup CPC but to no avail. Now, we have decided to hold a massive satyagraha at Dandi to press for our demand,” Indian Association of Physiotherapists president Dr Umasankar Mohanty told reporters here on Friday.

Mohanty was in city to mobilise physiotherapists of the city to participate in the proposed satyagraha.

He said that the council, if established, would create better healthcare delivery services for people of India.

RD Medical College’s physiotherapy department head Dr Sanjiv K Jha, who accompanied Mohanty, said that the council is required for establishing proper standard of physiotherapy profession, practice and education and to regularise the system of registration, recognition, standard, quality of education in the physiotherapy.

To hold satyagraha at Dandi on June 19 to press for their one-point demand
He further said that the council would also check the unprofessional practice/quackery in physiotherapy by untrained professional and give physiotherapy its due professional status.

WHO Physiotherapists are defied as independent healthcare professionals to assess, plan and treat but in India no council like Medical Council of India has been established as yet.

Treasurer of the association Dr Anand Mishra said that it was unfortunate that the Central government did not constitute Central Physiotherapy Council despite the fact that it would be beneficial for society at large.

“As the role of the physiotherapist is preeminent in society and many colleges and universities running physiotherapy courses in the country, establishment of Central Physiotherapy Council is definitely important and need of the hour,” Mishra said.

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The Most Boring Subject in BPT: A Necessary Evil?

  The Most Boring Subject in BPT: A Necessary Evil? Physiotherapy is an exciting field filled with hands-on learning, patient interaction, ...