Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Care business is the best business!

Care business is the best business!
We all love our profession by heart, we may working sometime in other field but still your heart beat for your profession. Have you ever heard a bad physiotherapist?
My profession is associated with love and care. I have to stand by my patients in the phase of sorrow and grief. I have to take my patients out of the weakest point of time, where he may loose his or her all hopes.
I got thousands of blessings from my patients. Money earned from my profession is truly something I earn by putting my purest hardest efforts in my job.

My patients called me angel, magician and a noble humen.
I am proud to be a physiotherapist.
Some one said that not all handsome become superheroes but some become physiotherapists.


How to make your clinic brand famous in your area "What is seen is sold". Always make this thing clear in mind. People...
Posted by DrVijay Guleria on Sunday, 3 January 2016

Sunday, 27 December 2015

How to earn more from your clinic

How to earn more from your clinic?

We all have studied same course, same practical, we went to same universities and colleges, still some of us are known as famous physiotherapists while other are not. 

Have you ever wonder why this level gap and why is this differentiation?
On analysis many factors come forward for this. Experience was the one but other then that there are factors responsible. If we want to earn more from our clinics we have to do some home work for this. By implementing simple ways you can also earn more.

•  Identifying a need in your community

Your location should be need based, try to find out the number of clinics in your location so that you have clear cut idea of the patients which need your services.
Try to find out number of physiotherapy clinic in your area and type of services they are provided you have to deliver best services among them.
Your clinic should have well equipped and quality machines. It is common observation in India most of the clinics do not have traction units.
If your clinic is providing facility to patients they will not hesitate to pay you more then to other clinics in your vicinity. Your clinic should have well maintained and illuminated interior and is not necessary to have the costlier one.

•   How to determine which new service/model for your clinic

Always try to update yourself and your clinic in latest techniques and modalities.
Your treatment model should be unique and evidence based.
Try to follow your service model strictly.
 Always consider the finding of other doctors like pathologist and radiologist‘s finding in making final diagnosis for your patient.
Your quality treatment to your patients is the life of your clinic. If patient got treated effectively and relief, they will spread the good words for you. No publicity can beat the publicity of mouth words.

•   Ways you can reduce overhead costs and increase profits

In physiotherapy clinics there is continuous need of aid and appliances you can purchase in bulk and provide it at reasonable cost to your patient or you can provide it through aid and appliances sellers of the area in your area.
Always purchase daily clinical consumables like gauze, cotton, tissues, gels and wax in bulk.
You can hire interns to reduce your overhead costs if patient load is more, but always keep the check on treatments given by interns.

•   Tips and tricks

 Always note down your finding and take it as future reference to make profits.
Organize free camps like Neuro checkup camp, bone health camps, general health checkup camp.

Many health supplements promotional companies provide free bone densitometry test (DEXA), BMI and neuro sensitivity tests free of cost.
 These activities surely increase number of patient in your clinic.
·   And more.....

In this world of information technology don’t lose any scope of online promotion.
Register to various social online platforms.
Opt for promotional campaigns like Rehabilitation and charity programs.
Always celebrate occasions like World disability day, doctor’s day and world physiotherapy day and display offers for these days.

Follow these steps and Happy earning. If you are also having some new ideas to share please write in comment box below so that it can help physiotherapy domain in large.

Bollywood & Physiotherapy

Now a days physiotherapy as a profession starts appearing in Bollywood movies and serials of entertainment channels. Physiotherapy and physiotherapist are getting benefits of this trend as more public is getting aware of it. People will realize the importance of profession when they will see it on silver screen. Physiotherapist will also get esteem by watching the importance of their role.
Our physiotherapists are working closely with stars and also making them aware of the physiotherapy.

Preety Zinta, Sonali and Rani had played good role of medical professionals in past.

Bollywood superstars Shahrukh, Aamir and Salman were largely benefitted by physiotherapy. It was in news that upcoming movie of Aamir named Dangal had a special appearance for physiotherapist.

In movie Khoobsurat a physiotherapist play lead role of heroine. Sonam Kapoor played a good role of a female physiotherapist and she justified her role as physiotherapist.
Popular  daily soaps like Yeh rista kya kahlata hai, Ye duriyan are also showing physiotherapists in impressive roles.
Bollywood had a strong presence in our daily life. Definitely this trend of showing physiotherapy will help both physiotherapists and people at mass.

Future of Home base Physiotherapy

Future of Home base Physiotherapy 

Future of Home base Physiotherapy in India Home based Physiotherapy or domiciliary physiotherapy are the services rendered to patient at his home environment by qualified physiotherapist.

this is the result of today's personalized care and services demand, secondly this is the continuation of physiotherapy treatment after the surgery.

Medical conditions: In case of paralysis where Nero doctor discharge the patient on getting stable, there is continuous demand of physiotherapy exercises and rehabilitation program. This is not feasible to transport patient daily to the hospital so demand for home based physiotherapy increased

. Knee replacement: In these cases also patient have short stay at hospitals but to gain mobility and strengths they require lots of physiotherapy sessions after discharge from surgery unit. Some hospitals of the repute had started domiciliary physiotherapy and they include it as necessary in package of surgery they offer to patient.

Heart surgery: Cardio surgeon now a days taking extra efforts to rehabilitate their patient. Now They appoint cardio-respiratory physiotherapist in their team who take care of their patients after the knife. They also include physiotherapy charges in complete package.

Sports physiotherapist: Sports physiotherapists also provide their service to sports person at home gym or in sports complex. Their earnings are also as par with other physiotherapist, and also depend on the status of sports personal.

Personal physiotherapists: Now a days a new trend is running in business families, they hire their personal physiotherapist for fitness maintenance, and they use to flaunts of it in day to day life.

Many Home based physiotherapy service provider are doing good business. Some of the experienced physiotherapist also starts their franchise model of business. They provide patients to other comparatively new physiotherapists. They trained them well and also help them to earn well. Home based medical services provider like Portea, spectrum, physiotherapy at home, SCM physiotherapy and Max mobility mission are providing good services.

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Cut......and commissions in physiotherapy......

This morning a patient enter to my clinic. She show her old prescription and said doctor x reffer me to you. After seeing this prescription I come to know this Dr.x is a orthopaedic surgeon. This patient was suffering with calcaneal spur, after taking treatment for 6 week, having no relief now referred to physiotherapist.
I was amazed to see that his mobile phone number is also written below his prescription.
Patient took her treatment and left for her home feeling better.
I was going to see next patient, teliphone rang, it was a call on my clinic landline.
Yes, ******* physiotherapy clinic, how may I help you? I asked in a professionals way.
"Hello this is ****** Mishra from ******* orthopaedic centre. I am PR officer to Dr.x." voice from other side.
"Ok ", I said.
Are you a receptionist? He asked.
I feel a bit low, being a physiotherapist having no receptionist.
"No, I am physiotherapist", I replied.
Oh sorry, sir good morning.
Good morning. I said.
Sir Dr.x has told me to call you and to fix the cut.
Cut..... What cut ? I said.
Sir we are referring many patients to your clinic, so it is important to discuss the percentage cut for our future association. We will send more patients to the clinic from where we get more cut.
"I will tell you later" and I put the phone down.
I was feeling cheated and looted.
Standing beside my landline phone, I was thinking of this new style of earning. Earning by CUT.
Now I am in confusion what percentage of my hard earn money I had to spent on this CUT.

Friends if any one had answers to this please tell me in comment box.

Friday, 25 December 2015

Pinnacle Physiotherapy- soft skills!

Physiotherapy is not only a medical science but it is the mixture of science, psychology, sociology and art.

When a physiotherapist is delivering his treatment to the patient, he should we well aware of the fact that modality and exercises are not the only essential but other things should also be taken in to mind.
What is the state of mind of patient is very important. This is also important for effectiveness of the session you are going to deliver to patient.

Always start your sessions with a light talk. how about patient will give you a fare idea of his health status. Try to learn about the behavior of your patient special in case of invalid patient. They only not need your treatment but also want to seek your care and attentions, sometime they may share their feeling to you which even they cant share to their family members.
Always remember while dealing with your patient in emotional situation always deal professionally.
Emotional relations to patient should be in a professional boundary.

Monday, 21 December 2015

Best Physiotherapy jobs in India

Physiotherapist job portals a famous wavesite in India.
It shows:.    www.google.co.in
Physiotherapy Jobs Portal Vacancy List No 103 in 2015

1. New Delhi-Physiotherapist Vacancies- (1) Hospital  (2) Sports Centre (3) Paediatric Centre.
2. Gurgaon-Physiotherapist Vacancy in a Hospital.
3. Mumbai- Physiotherapist Vacancies- in two Physiotherapy Centres.
4. Pune- Physiotherapist vacancies in a Physiotherapy Centre.
5. Ahmedabad-Physiotherapist Vacancies in three Physiotherapy Centres.
6. Kolkata-Physiotherapist Vacancies for Home Care.
8. Kollam-Physiotherapist vacancy in a Community based project.
9. Salem-Physiotherapist vacancy in a Hospital.
10. Hyderabad- Physiotherapist vacancies in Home Care unit.
11. Tirupati- Physiotherapist vacancies in Home Care unit.
12. Noida- Alternate Vacancies for Physiotherapists in a Health Care MNC.
13. Bangalore- Alternate Vacancies for Physiotherapists in a Health Care MNC.
To apply for vacancies posted in Physiotherapy Jobs Portal, download the Membership form and register as a Member of Physiotherapy Jobs Portal.
Physiotherapy Vacancies are updated every three days once through Mail to Registered Members of Physiotherapy Jobs Portal.

Physiotherapy Jobs Portal is India’s first and Exclusive Registered Job Portal for Indian Physiotherapists for Job Search, Assistance and Career building since 2010.
(Service Tax Code & Registration Number: DSFPS4451BSD001)

For Enquiries, Membership and Registration details Mail to " info@physiotherapyjobs.co.in "

Thnx physiotherapy job portal India.

फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट काम भारत में एक प्रसिद्ध wavesite पोर्टल्स।

यह दिखाता है:। www.google.co.in
फिजियोथेरेपी नौकरियां पोर्टल रिक्ति सूची नहीं 103 2015 में

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एक अस्पताल में 2. गुड़गांव-फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट रिक्ति।

दो फिजियोथेरेपी केन्द्रों में 3. मुंबई फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट Vacancies-।

एक भौतिक चिकित्सा केन्द्र में 4. पुणे फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट रिक्तियों।

तीन फिजियोथेरेपी केन्द्रों में 5. अहमदाबाद-फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट रिक्तियों।

होम केयर के लिए 6. कोलकाता-फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट रिक्तियों।

एक समुदाय आधारित परियोजना में 8. कोल्लम-फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट रिक्ति।

एक अस्पताल में 9. सलेम-फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट रिक्ति।

होम केयर यूनिट में 10 हैदराबाद फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट रिक्तियों।

होम केयर यूनिट में 11 Tirupati- फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट रिक्तियों।

एक स्वास्थ्य देखभाल बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनी में भौतिक चिकित्सक के लिए 12. Noida- वैकल्पिक रिक्तियों।

एक स्वास्थ्य देखभाल बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनी में भौतिक चिकित्सक के लिए 13. बंगलौर वैकल्पिक रिक्तियों।

फिजियोथेरेपी नौकरियां पोर्टल में तैनात रिक्तियों के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए, सदस्यता फार्म डाउनलोड करने और फिजियोथेरेपी नौकरियां पोर्टल के एक सदस्य के रूप में रजिस्टर।

फिजियोथेरेपी रिक्तियों फिजियोथेरेपी नौकरियां पोर्टल के पंजीकृत सदस्यों के लिए मेल के माध्यम से हर तीन दिन में एक बार अपडेट किया जाता है।

फिजियोथेरेपी नौकरियां पोर्टल नौकरी की खोज, 2010 के बाद से सहायता और कैरियर निर्माण के लिए भारतीय भौतिक चिकित्सक के लिए भारत की पहली और अनन्य पंजीकृत नौकरी पोर्टल है।
(सर्विस टैक्स कोड में & amp; पंजीकरण संख्या: DSFPS4451BSD001)

पूछताछ के लिए, सदस्यता और पंजीकरण के विवरण के लिए "info@physiotherapyjobs.co.in" मेल

Thnx फिजियोथैरेपी जॉब पोर्टल भारत।

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Career in physiotherapy

Career in physiotherapy


The history of Physiotherapy or Physical Therapy can be traced back to ancient Greece in the era of Hippocrates. Considered one of the oldest methods to cure various physical ailments, physiotherapy has evolved from simple massage to a complex assortment of therapies - now, it has multiple and specialized applications. Making a career in Physiotherapy is a wise decision as the scope it covers is widening up and expected to offer numerous job options.
Considered as an allied health professional service, physiotherapy has a vast range of career options to choose. People can either work in India or go abroad and flourish their career in physiotherapy. Whereas a course in India costs just a faction of the USA or UK, earning potential is immense for the professional. A well-rounded graduate in physiotherapy with be the relevant and reputable qualifications from top notch institute however has better chances for jobs in comparison with others.

Before opting out a career in Physiotherapy the candidate should go for a physiotherapy degree program and has to meet specific requirements. If the candidate is studying life sciences like biology, anatomy, etc., he has fair chances of getting into Physiotherapy course. A background in psychology and social science helps candidates in doing a course in physiotherapy as the subjects are taught during the course in detail.
Additionally, doing masters in physiotherapy enhances career as a professional physiotherapist. Those who go for doctoral degree always have advantage of knowing more about the subject and various facets of physiotherapy which ultimately help them in getting a job. For doctorate in Physiotherapy, the person must have masters in it.
Start Early
Physiotherapy is like any game or sports. Early starters have advantages than late starters, so if you wish to work as a physiotherapist start at early age. Building a shaped and flexible body puts you at advantage point. Start knowing about the human anatomy and the way the bones, muscles and nerves move - it will make you understand the subject at later phase. Later on you can specialize in any areas including of pediatrics, geriatrics, orthopedics, sports physical therapy, neurology, clinical electrophysiology and cardiopulmonary therapy, etc.

Is it the Right Career for Me?
As any career counselor would suggest, go for a career which suits and matches to your flair and the same is true in physiotherapy too. Candidates looking for making a career in physiotherapy should do various research and analysis before opting out for a course in physiotherapy. Moreover, it is equally essential that it is what you want to do in your life. From the perspective of earning, physiotherapy is not a bad option; therefore one does not need to worry about it.
Job is quite challenging for a physiotherapist but is profitable too. Moreover, they are qualified to perform physical examination and conduct assessments to detect a diagnosis process. In order to treat dysfunction and monitoring of treatment they select appropriate physical therapy interventions. A successful Physiotherapist uses various therapeutic intervention techniques to treat a patient in the best possible manner.
What would it Cost Me
There are two levels of qualifications in physiotherapy, 1) Bachelor of physiotherapy and 2), Masters in Physiotherapy. While bachelor in physical therapy has duration of 4 and 1 /2 year (including Internship), the masters in physiotherapy has the duration of two years. A person after doing +2 with biology is eligible for bachelors’ degree. For masters, a bachelor degree in physiotherapy is must.
Generally, the courses commence from the 1st April, every year. Doing a bachelors’ degree in physiotherapy from a top notch institute costs anywhere between 2 to 5 L in Indian currency; however, the cost can be reduced if done from Centralized Universities. Depending upon the ranking of college or institute the fee may differ. Doing masters degree or specialization in one discipline can further the cost.
Fee is no more an issue as various banks offer attractive education loans to students who get through in top notch physiotherapy colleges in India. Moreover, various scholarships are offered by the concerned institutes on the merit basis. Those who wish to do research in Physiotherapy can opt for Junior Research Fellowship and further up their research work with the assistance of University Grants Commission.
Some diploma courses in physiotherapy can be done which are offered to volunteered students from various leading hospital or medical centers. In such a course the entire fee is paid by the institute or organization.
Job Prospects
Due to mechanization and sedentary lifestyles, people face common muscular skeletal problems which include issues such as backache, stiff shoulders and neck, osteoarthritis knee, etc. In curing out the disorders, the physiotherapists work wonderfully the mainstream doctors. Physiotherapy can be considered a health profession which is concerned with maximization of mobility and quality of life by implementing clinical reasoning.

Physical therapists have ample job prospects in Hospitals, Nursing homes, Residential homes, Rehabilitation centers, Private offices such as Private practices or Private clinics, etc. Additionally, a person with qualification in physiotherapy can work at Out-patient clinics, Community health care centers or Primary health care centers, Fitness centers or Health clubs, Occupational health centers, Special schools and Senior citizen centers, etc.
Notwithstanding, job prospects for physiotherapists are bright in various sports centers, teaching, working in foreign countries with companies, N.G.Os, etc.
Pay Packet
Student who have qualification in physiotherapy are also required to have soft skills such as communications, critical thinking skills and teamwork, etc. to get a job. After completing graduation in physiotherapy a person can earn any salary 5000 to 10,000 in Indian currency. However, the pay package differs from the company to company and the college one has done his course from. While the salary package is low at the beginning, after due course and experience it jumps up extraordinarily.
Demand and Supply
India’s job market face the dearth of physiotherapist and it can be attributed to the fact that there is not much awareness about the scope and prospects of the profession. Moreover, lack of infrastructural set up to offer quality education in physiotherapy proves a major handicap. Once awareness about the occupation is spread in mainstream, it would be more in demand than now.

Market Watch
As various health centers, fitness centers, wellness centers, spas, etc. are coming up in big way, the prospects of career in physiotherapy seem positive. Students after completing their course in physiotherapy receive offer letters from top notch brands including of Mammoth Resorts USA, Taj Blue Diamond, Sun & Sands, Ambassador Ajanta, Magarpata club & Resorts and many others. Major recruiters are hospitals which try to offer alternative medical service and physiotherapy is one of the most suitable and successful alternative method to cure various ailments.
International Focus
Candidates with excellent research skills can opt for research and development works in various pharmaceutical companies and institutional laboratories located in the USA, UK, Canada and European countries. Aspirants willing to opt for teaching have option of teaching at various universities abroad. Then there are schools for mentally retarded and physically disabled children, defense medical establishments and rehabilitation centers for the handicapped which offer attractive venues for Indian students with qualification in Physiotherapy.
Physiotherapists have better scope internationally than India as the market for it is more expanded in developed countries where it is accepted as an effective method to cure various ailments and health problems. Even compensation packages for physiotherapists are more attractive in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada than in India and that may be a reason why many successful Physiotherapists start their profession or start working with health solution providers in these countries and earn attractive salaries.
At times aspirants may think that it is not attractive as that of software engineering or medical science or law; however, the physiotherapist’s job offers job satisfaction. Therefore, if you are looking for job satisfaction, opt for physiotherapist’s job. Nonetheless, salary packages too are not so low that it may sound unattractive. A lot of earning potential depends on the person and knowledge of Physiotherapy.
Despite a challenging task ahead a candidate can carve a niche for himself with excellent knowledge of Anatomy, Biochemistry, Exercise Therapy, Physiology, Electrotherapy, Physical Fitness & Yoga, Pharmacology, Kinesio- Therapeutics, Psychology & Psychiatry, Pathology, Microbiology, etc. An effective method to carve a niche in the profession is to offer something positive and effective as well as suitable.

Different Roles, Different Names
Physiotherapist is such a discipline where a person  can perform various jobs. The job of a physiotherapist has traits of a professional who works as preventive, restorative and rehabilitative. He is an instructor in a health center or wellness center; he is a sort of doctor in some hospital. He is destined to various roles to perform depending upon the circumstances in front of him.
Top Companies
All major top order hospitals and health centers offer attractive jobs to physiotherapists. Some top notch fitness centers in India such as Talwalkars Pantaloon Fitness Pvt Ltd and Intellectual Resource Training Private Limited attract best in the industry talent. 
HelpAge India,
 Medybiz Pvt Ltd, 
Hosmat Hospital, 
Apollo Hospital, 
Fortis Hospital, etc. too are offering physiotherapy services with the help of trained physiotherapists.

Top ten colleges in India are:

1. NIRTAR Kattak Odisha



4. All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Haji Ali, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai.

5. ISIC - Indian Spinal Injuries Centre vasant kunj New Delhi.

6. National institute of sports Patiala

7. Rajiv Gandhi health university Bangalore


9. The Amar Jyoti Institute of Physiotherapy (Affiliated to University of Delhi) conducts a 4 ½ year Bachelor of Physiotherapy program

10. College of applied education and health sciences Meerut UP.
Please email me on vijayguleria80@gmail.com.


The Most Boring Subject in BPT: A Necessary Evil?

  The Most Boring Subject in BPT: A Necessary Evil? Physiotherapy is an exciting field filled with hands-on learning, patient interaction, ...